Ph.D. Candidate
Research Interests: Competitive interactions; predator-prey dynamics; niche construction; maintenance of inter-individual phenotypic variation
Taylor worked as an undergraduate assistant in the Cooke Lab during the summer of 2013 in the Ottawa region (Cornwall, Watts creek) and B.C.
Lab Publications (17)
Brownscombe, J.W., T.D. Ward, L. Nowell, R.J. Lennox, J.M. Chapman, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Identifying thresholds in air exposure, water temperature, and fish size that determine reflex impairment in brook trout exposed to catch-and-release angling. Conservation Physiology. 10(1):coac070.
Algera, D.A., R. Kamal, T.D. Ward, N.K. Pleizier, C.J. Brauner, J.A. Crossman, A. Leake, D.Z. Zhu, M. Power and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Exposure risk of fish downstream of a hydropower facility to supersaturated total dissolved gas. Water Resources Research. 58:e2021WR031887.
Twardek, W.M., I.G. Cowx, N.W.R. Lapointe, C. Paukert, T.D. Beard, E.M. Bennett, D. Browne, A.K. Carlson, K.D. Clarke, Z. Hogan, K. Lorenzen, A.J. Lynch, P.B. McIntyre, P. Pompeu, M. Rogers, A. Sakas, W.W. Taylor, T.D. Ward, Z. Basher and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development. Water Biology and Security. 1:100009.
Algera, D.A., T. Ward, R. Zemlak, J. Crossman, P. Harrison, A. Leake, M. Power and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Stranded Kokanee salvaged from turbine intake infrastructure are at low risk for re-entrainment: A telemetry study in a hydropower facility forebay. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 40(6):1545-1552.
Harrison, P.M., T. Ward, D.A. Algera, B. Culling, T. Euchner, A. Leake, J.A. Crossman, S.J. Cooke and M. Power. 2020. A comparison of turbine entrainment rates and seasonal entrainment vulnerability of two sympatric char species, bull trout and lake trout, in a hydropower reservoir. River Research and Applications. 36:1033-1045.