Who is your “fisheries” hero? Nominate them today to recognize their accomplishments!
Canada has a long and illustrious history in fisheries science and management. Indeed, many scientific discoveries, assessment tools, and even contemporary management strategies can be attributed to Canadian fisheries professionals. The Canadian Aquatic Resources Section of the American Fisheries Society has launched a new recognition program called “Legends of Canadian Fisheries Science and Management”. The goal of the program is to recognize the accomplishments of fisheries professionals in Canada. Beyond the recognition to the individual, highlighting their accomplishments will ensure that the next generation of fisheries professionals remain connected to the past. The foundational work, much of it conducted decades ago, still underpins our thinking of ecological processes and is the basis for today’s conservation and management. “Legends” will typically have completed (i.e., be retired) or be near the end of their professional career. “Legends” can also be recognized posthumously. Our purpose is not to recognize achievements of early career scientists or singular accomplishments – it is truly to recognize legendary figures in Canadian fisheries science and management. There is no financial compensation associated with the recognition, however, those recognized will have their profiles added to a website maintained by CARS. In addition, the CARS communication team will share profiles via social media, AFS newsletters, and Fisheries magazine where appropriate. “Legends” will be announced at the CARS annual meeting.
Nominations will be received between November 1st and March 1st of every year and are to be submitted (for 2014) to Steven Cooke (CARS past president) via email. The CARS executive committee will select up to two “Legends” annually. For the first year (2014) up to 10 individuals will be recognized. The nomination process is short and simple. We require the name of the proposed “Legend” and a short (300 words maximum) summary as to why the nominee should be recognized through this program. Full CVs or submissions exceeding 300 words will not be accepted. “Legends” should have spent much or all of their careers as fisheries professionals in Canada or made contributions specific to Canada (e.g., conducting research in Canada but residing in a different country). Those working in Canada but where their contributions are more global (or focused on a different country) can also be recognized with this honour but there should be some explicit link to Canada provided within the nomination. Nominations that are not successful in a given year will be reconsidered in the subsequent year.
Please send nominations or any related queries to Steven Cooke via email (Steven.Cooke@carleton.ca) prior to March 1st. Please share this opportunity widely!