Emmanuelle Chretien

Research interests: ecophysiology, aerobic scope, swimming performance, movement, conservation

The general objective of my doctoral study is to assess the effects of fluctuations in temperature and flow regimes on physiological and behavioural response of freshwater fish, and to explore the reliability of aerobic scope, cost of swimming and movement rates as habitat quality indicators for riverine freshwater fish. The project implies a combination of field and laboratory studies on smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu of Kiamika river, Quebec. By exploring the link between novel habitat quality indicators and environmental conditions, the goal of this project is to improve our ability to develop valid habitat quality models, and therefore to guide conservation of critical habitat for freshwater fish.


For more information on Emmanuelle, click here. You can also follow her on twitter @manuchretien and researchgate

Lab Publications (3)

  • Chrétien, E., D. Boisclair, S.J. Cooke and S.S. Killen. 2021. Social group size and shelter availability influence individual metabolic traits in a social fish. Integrative Organismal Biology. 3:obab032.

  • Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

    Chrétien, E., S.J. Cooke and D. Boisclair.  2021.  Does shelter influence the metabolic traits of a teleost fish?  Journal of Fish Biology.  98:1242-1252.

  • Fisheries Cover Image

    Hasler C.T., G. Raby, E. Chretien, M. Stockwell, S.J. Cooke, E. Rechisky, D. Welch, N. Sopinka and N. Mandrak. 2019. Reflections on the legends of Canadian fisheries science and management. Fisheries. 44(11):534-538.