Danny Glassman


Lab Publications (10)

  • Hlina, B.L., D.M. Glassman, E.J.I. Lédée, L.B. Nowell, J.E. Claussen, D.P. Philipp, J.E. Marsden, M. Power and S.J. Cooke.  2024.  Habitat-dependent metabolic costs for a wild cold-water fish.  Aquatic Sciences.  86:36.

  • Hydrobiologia Cover Image

    Bergman, J.N., Negiel, K., Landsman, S.J., Glassman, D., LaRochelle, L., Rennie, C., Bennett, J.R. and Cooke, S.J.  2023.  Multi-year evaluation of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) spatial ecology during winter drawdowns in a regulated, urban waterway in Canada. Hydrobiologia. 850:417-439.

  • Fisheries Research Cover Image

    Chhor, A. D., Glassman, D. M., Brownscombe, J. W., Trahan, A. T., Danylchuk, A. J., & Cooke, S. J.  2022. Short-term behavioural impacts of air-exposure in three species of recreationally angled freshwater fish. Fisheries Research. 253: 106342.

  • Algera, D.A., K.L. Neigel, K. Kosziwka, A.E.I. Abrams, D.M. Glassman, J.R. Bennett, S.J. Cooke and N.W.R. Lapointe. 2022. Assessing a proponent-driven process for endangered species threat mitigation: Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, American Eel, and hydropower. FACETS Journal. 7:153-173.

  • Hydrobiologia Cover Image

    Glassman, D.M., A. Chhor, J.C. Vermaire, J.R. Bennett and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Does bait type and bait container configuration influence the performance of remote underwater video systems in temperate freshwater lakes for assessing fish community structure? Hydrobiologia. 849:1981-1994.

See All 10 Publications by Danny Glassman