Acacia Frempong

Ph.D. Candidate

Acacia is a PhD student at Carleton University and is supervised by Dr. Steven Cooke and Dr. Keith Van de Rite. She is investigating the ecological benefits of modified shoreline armouring for freshwater biodiversity.


Honours in Life Sciences (BSc) McMaster University (2019) – Honours thesis: What functional groups are needed for ecosystem recovery after eutrophication

Masters of Biology (MSc) Carleton University (2022) – Thesis: Waterfront Property Owner Perceptions and Perspectives on Riparian Zone Aesthetics and Shoreline Management Interventions: Insights for Outreach and Behaviour Change

Lab Publications (5)

  • environmental biology of fishes cover image

    Frempong-Manso, A., C.K. Elvidge, S. Woods, K. Van de Riet and S.J. Cooke.  In Press.  Informing the design of fish-friendly shoreline retaining walls for freshwater systems.  Environmental Biology of Fishes.  00:000-000.

  • Cooke, S.J., A. Frempong-Manso, M. L. Piczak, E. Karathanou, C. Clavijo, S.O. Ajagbe, E. Akeredolu, A.M. Strauch, and J. Piccolo. 2022. A freshwater perspective on the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration. Conservation Science & Practice. 4:e12787.

  • Soroye, P., B.P.M. Edwards, R.T. Buxton, J.P. Ethier, A. Frempong-Manso, H. Keefe, A. Berberi, M. Roach-Krajewski, A.D. Binley, J.G. Vincent, H-Y. Lin, S.J. Cooke and J.R. Bennett. 2022.  The risks and rewards of community science for threatened species monitoring.  Conservation Science & Practice. e12788.

  • Reid, J.L., J.N. Bergman, A.N. Kadykalo, J.J. Taylor, W.M. Twardek, T. Rytwinski, A.D. Chhor, A. Frempong-Manso, A.L. Martel, N.W.R. Lapointe, J.R. Bennett, V.M. Nguyen, A.J. Reid, J. Marty, S.A. Robinson, D.A.R. Drake, A.K. Winegardner, I. Gregory-Eaves, M.K. Taylor, J.P. Smol, I.F. Creed, C.M. O’Connor and S.J. Cooke. (2022). Developing a National Level Evidence-Based Toolbox for Addressing Freshwater Biodiversity Threats. Biological Conservation. 269:109533

  • Environmental Reviews Cover Image

    Cooke, S.J., P. Soroye, J.L. Brooks, J. Clarke, A.L. Jeanson, A. Berberi, M.L. Piczak, C.H. Reid, J.E. Desforges, J.D. Guay,  A.K. Drake, A.M. Jardine, J.P. Ethier, H.E. Keefe, A.M. Medd , B.P.M. Edwards, C. Reeve, A. Perkovic, A. Frempong-Manso, L. LaRochelle, S. Patterson, M. Roach-Krajewski, A. Howarth, B. Bard, E.J. Harmsen, J. Robichaud, S. Serré, C.J. Bihun, R.T. Buxton, V.M. Nguyen, L.C. Woodall, W.J. Sutherland and J.R. Bennett.  2021.  Ten considerations for conservation policy makers for the post-COVID-19 transition.  Environmental Reviews.  29:1-8.

Other Publications

Werba, J. A., Phong, A. C., Brar, L., Frempong-Manso, A., Oware, O. V., & Kolasa, J. (2022). Interactions between two functionally distinct aquatic invertebrate herbivores complicate ecosystem-and population-level resilience. PeerJ10, e14103.