Alyssa Goodenough

M.Sc. Student

Background: Professional fishing guide in Northern Manitoba for trophy northern pike and lake trout and the owner of Northern Predator a fishing apparel business aiming to help better educate the fishing community and ensure fish receive the respect they deserve!

Lab Publications (2)

  • Fisheries Management and Ecology Cover Image

    LaRochelle, L., J., Bernardi., J.C., Madden, J.W., Brownscombe, A.M., Goodenough, A.J., Danylchuk, and S.J., Cooke. In Press. Effects of Recreational Fishing Gear Type on Reflex Impairment on Post-Release Swimming Activity of Smallmouth Bass. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 00: 0000-0000.

  • environmental biology of fishes cover image

    Arseneault-Deraps, C., R. Davis, M.E.C. MacLeod, E. Wilson, B. Aubrey, A. Goodenough, J.C. Madden, K.A. Adeli, C. Cvitanovic, N. Young, J.M. Hinderer, E.A. Nyboer, V.M. Nguyen, M.L. Piczak and S.J. Cooke.  In Press.  Best practices for producing actionable knowledge to inform fisheries management and conservation.  Environmental Biology of Fishes.  00:000-000.