Emily Yeung

Ph.D. Candidate

She is examining the ecotoxicology and habitat use of fishes in and around the Toronto Harbour, concurrent with ongoing restoration projects. She is also interested in provisional fisheries, and the potential implications of urban ecotoxins on human health, particularly within immigrant communities.


M.Sc. Biology, Dalhousie University (2021-2024)

Thesis Title: Salinity Tolerance of the Endangered Atlantic Whitefish (Coregonus huntsmani): Unravelling the Conservation Physiology of an Enigmatic Fish (Supervisors: Dr Paul Bentzen, Dr Anne Dalziel, Dr Jeffrey Hutchings)

B.Sc. Biology (with Honours), Minor in Environmental and Resource Science, Trent University (2017-2021)

Thesis Topic: Fish community distributions and environmental characteristics of the Kawartha Lakes, Southern Ontario (Supervisor: Dr Marguerite Xenopoulos)

Other Publications

Kuparinen, A., Yeung, E., Hutchings, J. A. 2023. Correlation between body size and longevity: New analysis and data covering six taxonomic classes of vertebrates. Acta Oecologica. 119: 103917.

Yeung, E. J., Klemet-N’Guessan, S., Hossie, T. J., Fox, M. G. 2023. Boldness, movement and exploration tendency in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in southern Ontario. Journal of Fish Biology. 2023: 1-8.