Erin Wilson

M.Sc. Student

Co-Supervised by Dr. Sean Landsman

Research interests : Freshwater ecology, population dynamics, Muskellunge ecology

Background : BSc Honours in Marine and Freshwater Biology (University of Guelph)

Undergrad Thesis: The role of Local and Science knowledge regarding Muskellunge ecology 

Lab Publications (1)

  • environmental biology of fishes cover image

    Arseneault-Deraps, C., R. Davis, M.E.C. MacLeod, E. Wilson, B. Aubrey, A. Goodenough, J.C. Madden, K.A. Adeli, C. Cvitanovic, N. Young, J.M. Hinderer, E.A. Nyboer, V.M. Nguyen, M.L. Piczak and S.J. Cooke.  In Press.  Best practices for producing actionable knowledge to inform fisheries management and conservation.  Environmental Biology of Fishes.  00:000-000.