Hannah Postma

Thesis titled “Lessons learned towards the shared responsibility to safeguard Great Lakes fisheries” and contributing to the larger collaborative Understanding Indigenous perspectives on sea lamprey control in the Laurentian Great Lakes (Reid, A.J, Nyboer, E.A, Duncan, A.T, Mattes, W.P, Young, N., Pritchard, G., Steeves, M., Barber, J., Gaden, M. & Nguyen, V.M and Cooke, S.J).


BAS Honours in Biology and Anthropology (U of Guelph, 2020)

Lands Biologist (Takla Nation, 2020-present)

Lab Publications (2)

  • D’Addario, A., H.G. Postma, P.D. LeBrun, M. Meeker, C. Mackenzie, M. Watson, S.J. Landsman, L. Schiller, and S.J. Cooke.  In Press.  Assessing United Nations conservation-oriented days, years and decades through the lens of a change model.  Environmental Conservation.  00:000-000.

  • Postma, H.G., Y. Wang, V. Berseth, N. Young, S.J. Cooke, and S.G. Hinch.  2024.  Resilience and vulnerability: Perspectives of key informants on the uncertain future of Pacific salmon in British Columbia.  Regional Environmental Change.  24(3), 1-13.