As the Lab Manager and Research Biologist, Lisa assists with many of the student and postdoctoral research projects in the Cooke lab.
Some of her responsibilities include:
- Conducting systematic reviews as part of the Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation and Environmental Management
- Provide field work support throughout the year
- Prepare reports for partners and participate in the peer-review process (edit, revise and contribute to manuscripts
- Lab safety
- Maintenance and repair of equipment
Aquatic Science Technician, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Burnaby, BC
Aquatic Resource Technician, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Manotick, ON
Laboratory Manager, Cooke Lab, Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
Aquatic Science Technician, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Manotick, ON
Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
B.Sc. Honours Thesis: “Airing” on the Side of Caution: Linking the Physiological Status of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) with Behaviour and Fate Following Catch-and-Release Angling
Supervisor: Dr. Steven Cooke
Lab Publications (12)
Glassman, D.M., B.L. Hlina, L.A. Donaldson, A.E.I. Abrams, J.N. Bergman, A. Chhor, L.J. Stoot and S.J. Cooke. 2024. Gravel Washing as a Lacustrine Spawning Habitat Restoration Method for Smallmouth Bass. Aquatic Living Resources. 37, 11.
Bergman, J.N., C. Beaudoin, I. Mistry, A. Turcotte, C. Vis, V. Minelga, K.L. Neigel, H-S. Lin, J.R. Bennett, N. Young, C. Rennie, L.L. Trottier, A.E.I. Abrams, P. Beaupre, D. Glassman, G. Blouin-Demers, D. Garant, L. Donaldson, J. Vermaire, J.P. Smol and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Historical, contemporary, and future perspectives on a coupled social-ecological system in a changing world: Canada’s historic Rideau Canal. Environmental Reviews. 30:72-87.
Rytwinski, T., L.A. Kelly, L.A. Donaldson, J.J. Taylor, A. Smith, D.A.R. Drake, A.L. Martel, J. Geist, T.J. Morris, A.L. George, A.J. Dextrase, J.R. Bennett and S.J. Cooke. 2021. What evidence exists for evaluating the effectiveness of conservation-oriented captive breeding and release programs for imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78:1332-1346.
Rytwinski T., M. Harper, J.J. Taylor, J.R Bennett, L.A. Donaldson, K.E. Smokorowski, K. Clarke, M.J. Bradford, A. Doherty, H. Ghamry, B. Spearin, J. Olden, D. Boisclair and S.J. Cooke. 2020. What are the impacts of flow regime changes on fish productivity in temperate regions? A systematic map. Environment Evidence. 9:7.
Rytwinski, T., L.K. Elmer, J.J. Taylor, L.A. Donaldson, J.R. Bennett, K.E. Smokorowski, A.K. Winegardner and S.J. Cooke. 2019. How effective are spawning-habitat creation or enhancement measures for substrate-spawning fish? A synthesis. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 3333: viii + 183 p.
Other Publications
Moore, J.W., Beakes, M.P., Nesbitt, H.K., Yeakel, J.D., Patterson, D.A., Thompson, L.A., Phillis, C., Braun, D., Favaro, C., Scott, D., Carr-Harris, C., and Atlas, W. 2015. Emergent stability in a large free-flowing watershed. Ecology 96:340-347.
Jeffries, K.M., Hinch, S.G., Donaldson, M.R., Gale, M.K., Burt, J.M., Thompson, L.A., Farrell, A.P., Patterson, D.A., and Miller, K.M. 2011. Temporal changes in blood variables during final maturation and senescence in male sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum): reduced osmoregulatory ability can predict mortality. Journal of Fish Biology 79: 449-465.
Thompson, L.A., Baudry, V., Moore, B., Hague, M.J., Senciall, D., Mercer, S., and Patterson, D.A. 2010. A standardised process for the rescue, archival and quality control of historic water temperature data for the Fraser River Watershed, British Columbia. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2863: vii + 50 p.
McKay, D.C., Thompson, L.A., Hills, J.A., Hague, M.J., and Patterson, D.A. 2009. Chapter 1: Migratory behaviour of Pacific salmon populations in the Fraser River, British Columbia In Predicting the magnitude and timeline of climate change effects on spawning migration success for major populations of Fraser River salmon and implications of fisheries: SEF Final Report. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Patterson, D.A., Herunter, H.E., Vimos, P., Thompson, L.A., Hague, M.J., Hills, J.A., and McKay, D.C. 2008. Chapter 3: Evaluation of spawning and incubation environment for Stuart sockeye salmon In Evaluation of the Potential Freshwater Factors Linked to the Decline of Early and Late Stuart Sockeye Salmon: SEF Final Report. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Patterson, D.A., Thompson, L.A., McKay, D.C., Herunter, H.E., Hills, J.A., and Hague, M.J. 2008. Chapter 4: Rearing environments and body condition of juvenile Stuart sockeye salmon In Evaluation of the Potential Freshwater Factors Linked to the Decline of Early and Late Stuart Sockeye Salmon: SEF Final Report. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.