Sofia Jain-Schlaepfer

 (April 2014 - April 2015)

Thesis topic: Quantification of the biological and physiological response of northern map turtles to motor boat disturbances

Lab Publications (6)

  • Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

    Gallagher A.J., M.J. Lawrence, S. Jain-Schlaepfer, A.D.M. Wilson and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Effects of predator exposure on baseline and stress-induced glucocorticoid hormone concentrations in pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus. Journal of Fish Biology. 95:969-973.

  • Canadian Journal of Zoology Cover Image

    Jain-Schlaepfer, S.M.R., J.D. Midwood, M.H. Larsen, K. Aarestrup, G.D. King, C.D. Suski and S.J. Cooke. 2018. Relationship of baseline and maximum glucocorticoid concentrations to migration propensity – a field test with wild sub-adult brown trout (Salmo trutta). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96:1346-1352.

  • Canadian Journal of Zoology Cover Image

    Lawrence, M.J., S. Jain-Schlaepfer, A.J. Zolderdo, D.A. Algera, K.M. Gilmour, A.J. Gallagher and S.J. Cooke. 2018. Are 3-minutes good enough for obtaining baseline physiological samples from teleost fish? Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96:774-786.

  • Canadian Journal of Zoology Cover Image

    Gallagher, A.J., M.J. Lawrence, S.M.R. Jain-Schlaepfer, A.D.M. Wilson and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Avian predators transmit fear along the air-water interface influencing prey and their parental care. Canadian Journal of Zoology.  94: 863–870.

  • aquatic conservation cover image

    Jain-Schlaepfer, S.M.R., G. Blouin-Demers, S.J. Cooke and G. Bulté. 2017. Do boating and basking mix? The effect of basking disturbances by motorboats on the body temperature and energy budget of the northern map turtle. Aquatic Conservation. 27:547-558.

See All 6 Publications by Sofia Jain-Schlaepfer