Principal Investigator
Dr. Cooke is a Canada Research Professor (formerly Canada Research Chair) in the Department of Biology and Institute of Environmental and Interdisciplinary Science at Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario), in the field of fish ecology and conservation physiology. Cooke is also founding Director of the Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Biology Department at the University of Waterloo and an Affiliate Research Scientist at the Illinois Natural History Survey.
- Post-Doc (Killam and NSERC) Centre for Applied Conservation Research (2002-2005) – University of British Columbia
- Ph.D. Natural Resources Ecology and Conservation Biology (1999-2002) – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- M.Sc. Biology (1997-1999) – University of Waterloo
- B.ES. Environmental Studies and Biology (1993-1997) – University of Waterloo
Professional Activities
Secretary of the College of the Royal Society of Canada
Robin Welcomme Fellow of Inland Fisheries at Michigan State University (2019-2020)
T.D. Walter Bean Visiting Fellow in the Environment at the University of Waterloo (2018-2019)
Editorial board member for the journal FACETS
Editorial board member for the journal Environmental Reviews
Canadian Centre Representative for the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence
Past President of the International Section of the American Fisheries Society
Ambassador and Board Member for #Keepemwet Fishing
Chair of the Science Advisor Committee for Ocean Tracking Network Canada
Chair of the Sea Lamprey Research Board of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Editor in Chief for Conservation Physiology (Oxford University Press)
Past President of the Canadian Aquatic Resources Section of the American Fisheries Society
Member of the Partnership Group for Science and Engineering (representing AFS)
Member of the World Council of Fisheries Societies (representing Canada)
Handling Editor for Environmental Biology of Fishes and Journal of Animal Biotelemetry
Editorial Board for Fisheries Research and Ideas in Ecology and Evolution
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Waterloo
Research Associate in the Department of Forest Sciences and Conservation at the University of British Columbia
Affiliate Scientist at the Illinois Natural History Survey
Special Graduate Faculty at the University of Illiniois at Urbana-Champaign
Lab Publications (1272)
Bergman, J.N., Vis, C., Minelga, V., Bennett, J.R., and Cooke, S.J. In Press. Evaluating the use of a freshwater protected area by northern pike (Esox lucius) in a large temperate lake system. Aquatic Sciences. 00:000-000.
Casselberry, G.A., G.B. Skomal, L.P. Griffin, J.W. Brownscombe, J.T. Finn, J. Dello Russo, A. Filous, P.E. Holder, B. Daughtry, J. Kneebone, D. Morley, S. Lowerre-Barbieri, B. Anderson, J. Sulikowski, S.J. Cooke, and A.J. Danylchuk. In press. Migratory patterns and seasonal habitat use of great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran) in the southeastern United States. Journal of Fish Biology. 00:000-000.
Cooke, S. J., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Madliger, C., Suski, C. D., Eliason, E. J., Jeffries, K., & Clements, J. C. (2025). The Tool Box for Mechanistic Understanding of Conservation Problems Facing Marine Wildlife. In J.M. Molina and G.E. Blasina, Editors. Volume 2: Marine Ecology: An Ecosystemic View of Anthropogenic Impacts. Taylor and Francis, NY.
Haddaway, N.R., M. Grainger, M. Sciberras, I. Kelling and S.J. Cooke. 2024. The status of academic research on salmon farming: a scoping review protocol. agriRxiv
Nguyen, V.M., K.J. Fiorella, L. Castello, M.K. Badhon, C. Beaudoin, J. Coffin-Schmitt, S.J Cooke, A.T Fisk, E. Nyboer, D.M. O’Keefe, E.D. Rice, R. Stedman, N. Venker and A. Macneil. In Press. Provisioning fisheries: A framework for recognizing the fuzzy boundary around commercial, subsistence, and recreational fisheries. Fisheries. 00:000-000.