Rytwinski T, Muir MJ, Miller JRB, Smith A, Kelly LA, Bennett JR, Öckerman SLA, Taylor JJ, Lemieux AM, Pickles RSA, Gore ML, Pires SF, Pokempner A, Slaughter H, Carlson DP, Adhiasto DN, Arroyo Quiroz I and Cooke SJ. 2024. What is the evidence that counter-wildlife crime interventions are effective for conserving African, Asian, and Latin American wildlife directly threatened by exploitation? A Systematic Map. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. https://doi-org.proxy.library.carleton.ca/10.1002/2688-8319.12104
All Publications by Adrienne Smith
Rytwinski, T., Lin, H.-Y., Harper, M., Smokorowski, K.E., Smith, A., Reid, J.L., Taylor, J.J., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Bradford, M.J., Crossman, J.A., Kavanagh, R., Lapointe, N.W.R., Turgeon, K., and Cooke, S.J. 2023. How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 4:e12216.
Taylor, J.J., T. Rytwinski, A. Smith, M.L. Piczak, S.K. Garden, R.J. Lennox, C.J. Dey, A.K. Winegardner, K. Ponader, G. Benoy, D.G. Sheppard and S.J. Cooke. 2022. A synthesis of DFO contributions to freshwater fish habitat science since the 1950s. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3484. Ottawa, Canada. Available at: https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/library-bibliotheque/41065281.pdf
Nyboer, E., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Rytwinski, T., Taylor, J.J., Lane, J.F., Bennett, J.R., Harron, N., Aitken, S.M., Auld, G., Browne, D., Jacob, A., Prior, K., Smith, P.A., Smokorowski, K.E., Alexander, S. and Cooke., S.J. (In Press). Supporting actionable science for environmental policy: Advice for funding agencies from decision makers. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 2:693129.
Rytwinski, T., L.A. Kelly, L.A. Donaldson, J.J. Taylor, A. Smith, D.A.R. Drake, A.L. Martel, J. Geist, T.J. Morris, A.L. George, A.J. Dextrase, J.R. Bennett and S.J. Cooke. 2021. What evidence exists for evaluating the effectiveness of conservation-oriented captive breeding and release programs for imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78:1332-1346.