
All Publications by Andrew M. Rous

Lennox R.J., G.A. Bravener, H.-Y. Lin, C.P. Madenjian, A.M. Muir, C.K. Remucal, K.F. Robinson, A.M. Rous, M.J. Siefkes, M.P. Wilkie, D.P. Zielinski and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Potential changes to the biology and challenges to the management of invasive sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in the Laurentian Great Lakes due to climate change. Global Change Biology. 26:1118-1137.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Abrams, A. E. I., A. M. Rous, J. L. Brooks, M. J. Lawrence, S. E. Doka, J. D. Midwood, and S. J. Cooke. 2018. Comparing immobilization, recovery, and stress indicators associated with electric fish handling gloves and a portable electrosedation system. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 147:390-399.

Cooke, S.J., A.M. Rous, L.A. Donaldson, J.J. Taylor, T. Rytwinski, K.A. Prior, K.E. Smokorowski and J.R. Bennett.  2018.  Evidence-based restoration in the Anthropocene – From acting with purpose to acting for impact.  Restoration Ecology. 26(2):201-205.

Environmental Management Cover Image

Brooks, J.L., C. Boston, S. Doka, D. Gorsky, K. Gustavson, D. Hondorp, D. Isermann, J. D. Midwood, T.C. Pratt, A. M. Rous, J. L. Withers, C.C. Krueger and S. J. Cooke. 2017. Use of fish telemetry in rehabilitation planning, management, and monitoring in Areas of Concern in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Environmental Management. 60(6):1139–1154.

Rous, A.M., J.D. Midwood, L.F.G. Gutowsky, N.W.R Lapointe, R. Portiss, T. Sciscione, M.G. Wells, S.E. Doka and S.J. Cooke. 2017. Telemetry-determined habitat use informs multi-species habitat management in an urban harbour. Environmental Management. 59:118-128.

Dick, M., A.M. Rous, V.M. Nguyen and S.J. Cooke. 2016.  Necessary but challenging: multiple disciplinary approaches to solving conservation problems.  FACETS Journal. 1: 67-82 .

Lennox R.J., G. Blouin-Demers, A.M. Rous, and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Tracking invasive animals with electronic tags to assess risks and develop management strategies. Biological Invasions. 18:1219–1233.

Chapman, J.M., D. Algera, M. Dick, E.E. Hawkins, M.J. Lawrence, R.J. Lennox, A.M. Rous, C.M. Souliere, H.L.J. Stemberger, D.P. Struthers, M. Vu, T.D. Ward, A.J. Zolderdo and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Being relevant: Practical guidance for early career researchers interested in solving conservation problems. Global Ecology and Conservation. 4: 334-348.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Rous, A.M., A. Forrest, E. Hart McKittrick, G. Letterio, J. Roszell, T. Wright and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Orientation and position of fish affects recovery time from electrosedation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:820-828.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Gutowsky, L.F.G., W. Aslam, R. Banisaeed, L.R. Bell, K.L. Bove, J.W. Brownscombe, G.J.J. Burrows, E. Chu, J.M.T. Magel, A.M. Rous and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Considerations for the design and interpretation of fishing release mortality estimates. Fisheries Research. 167:64-70.