All Publications by Austin Gallagher
Cooke, S.J., J.N. Bergman, W.M. Twardek, M.L. Piczak, G.A. Casselberry, K. Lutek, L.S. Dahlmo, K. Birnie-Gauvin, L.P. Griffin, J.W. Brownscombe, G.D. Raby, E.M. Standen, A.Z. Horodysky, S. Johnsen, A.J. Danylchuk, N.B. Furey, A.J. Gallagher, E.J.I. Lédée, J.D. Midwood, L.F.G. Gutowsky, D.M.P. Jacoby, J.K. Matley and R.J. Lennox. 2022. The movement ecology of fishes. Journal of Fish Biology. 101:756-779.
Shea, B.D., S.K. Coulter, K.E. Dooling, H.L. Isihara, J.C. Roth, E. Sudal, D.J. Donovan, L.A. Hoopes, A.D.M. Dove, S.J. Cooke and A.J. Gallagher. 2022. Recreational fishing fight times are not correlated with physiological status of blue sharks in the Northwestern Atlantic. Fisheries Research. 248:106220.