Cooke, S.J., N.A. Fangue, J.N. Bergman, C.L. Madliger, J.J. Cech Jr., E.J. Eliason, C.J. Brauner, and A.P. Farrell. 2022. Conservation physiology and the management of wild fish populations in the Anthropocene. Pages 1-33 in: S.J. Cooke, N.A. Fangue, A.P. Farrell, C.J. Brauner and E.J. Eliason, Eds. Conservation Physiology for the Anthropocene – A Systems Approach. Fish Physiology Series Vol 39A. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.
All Publications by Christine L. Madliger
Cooke, S.J., H.L. Auld, K. Birnie-Gauvin, C.K. Elvidge, M.L. Piczak, W.M. Twardek, G.D. Raby, J.W. Brownscombe, J.D. Midwood, R.J. Lennox, C. Madliger, A.D.M. Wilson, T.R. Binder, C.B. Schreck, R.L. McLaughlin, J. Grant and A.M. Muir. 2022. On the Relevance of Animal Behavior to the Management and Conservation of Fishes and Fisheries. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
Cooke, S.J., J.N. Bergman, C.L. Madliger, R.L. Cramp, J. Beardall, G.P. Burness, T.D. Clark, B. Dantzer, E. de la Barrera, N.A. Fangue, C.E. Franklin, A. Fuller, L.A. Hawkes, K.R. Hultine, K.E. Hunt, O.P. Love, H.A. MacMillan, J.W. Mandelman, F.C. Mark, L.B. Martin, A.E.M. Newman, A.B. Nicotra, G.D. Raby, S.A. Robinson, Y. Ropert-Coudert, J.L. Rummer, F. Seebacher, A.E. Todgham, S. Tomlinson and S.L. Chown. 2021. One hundred research questions in conservation physiology for generating actionable evidence to inform conservation policy and practice. Conservation Physiology. 9(1):coab009.
Madliger, C.L., O.P. Love, S.J. Cooke and C.E. Franklin. 2021. The history, goals, and application of conservation physiology. Pages 1-15 in Madliger, C.L., C.E. Franklin O.P. Love and S.J. Cooke, Eds. Conservation Physiology: Applications for wildlife conservation and management. Oxford University Press, UK.