
All Publications by Christine L. Madliger

Latchem, E., C.L. Madliger, A.E.I. Abrams and S.J. Cooke. 2021. Does aquatic light at night alter the subsequent diurnal behavior of a teleost fish? Water, Air & Soil Pollution. 232:71.

Elmer, L.K., C.L. Madliger, D.T. Blumstein, C.K. Elvidge, E. Fernández-Juricic, A.Z. Horodysky, N.S. Johnson, L.P. McGuire, R.R. Swaisgood and S.J. Cooke. 2021. Exploiting Common Senses: Sensory Ecology meets Wildlife Conservation and Management. Conservation Physiology. 9(1):coab002.

Raby, G.D., J.M. Chapman, R. de Bruijn, E.J. Eliason, C.K. Elvidge, C.T. Hasler, C.L. Madliger, E.A. Nyboer, A.J. Reid, D.G. Roche, T. Rytwinski, T.D. Ward, A.D.M. Wilson and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Teaching post-secondary students in ecology and evolution: Strategies for early-career researchers. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. 13:14–24.

Cooke, S.J., C.L. Madliger, R.L. Cramp, J. Beardall, G.P. Burness, S.L. Chown, T.D. Clark, B. Dantzer, E. de la Barrera, N.A. Fangue, C.E. Franklin, A. Fuller, L.A. Hawkes, K.R. Hultine, K.E. Hunt, O.P. Love, H.A. MacMillan, J.W. Mandelman, F.C. Mark, L.B. Martin, A.E.M. Newman, A.B. Nicotra, S.A. Robinson, Y. Ropert-Coudert, J.L. Rummer, F. Seebacher and A.E. Todgham. 2020. Reframing conservation physiology to be more inclusive, integrative, relevant and forward-looking: reflections and a horizon scan. Conservation Physiology. 8:coaa016.

Bergman, J.N., J.R. Bennett, A.D. Binley, S.J. Cooke, F. Vincent, B.L. Hlina, C.H. Reid, M.A. Vala, C.L. Madliger. 2019. Scaling from individual physiological measures to population-level demographic change: case studies and future directions for conservation management. Biological Conservation. 238:108242.

Madliger, C.L., K.R. Hultine, O.P. Love and S.J. Cooke. 2018. The conservation physiology toolbox: status and opportunities. Conservation Physiology. 6(1):coy029.

Madliger, C.L., S.J. Cooke and O.P. Love. 2017. A call for more physiology at conservation conferences. Biodiversity and Conservation. 26:2507-2515.

Madliger, C.L., C.E. Franklin, K.R. Hultine, M. van Kleunen, R.J. Lennox, O.P. Love, J.L. Rummer and S.J. Cooke. 2017.  Conservation physiology and the quest for a “good” Anthropocene. Conservation Physiology. 5(1):cox003.

Madliger, C.L., S.J. Cooke, E.J. Crespi, J.L. Funk, K.R. Hultine, K.E. Hunt, J.R. Rohr, B.J. Sinclair, C.D. Suski, C.K.R. Willis and O.P. Love. 2016. Success stories and emerging themes in conservation physiology. Conservation Physiology. 4(1):cov057.