
All Publications by Graham D. Raby
Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Doherty, C.L.J., A.T. Fisk, S.J. Cooke, T.E. Pitcher and G.D. Raby.  2021.  Exploring relationships between oxygen consumption and biologger-derived estimates of heart rate in two warmwater piscivores. Journal of Fish Biology.  2021:1-8.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Reid, C.H., M.D. Faust, G.D. Raby, T.O. Brenden, S.J. Cooke and C.S. Vandergoot. 2022. Post-release survival and migration behaviour of adult walleyes following intracoelomic transmitter implantation using two methods of electro-immobilization. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 151:100-111.

Cooke, S.J., J.L. Brooks, G.D. Raby, E.B. Thorstad, J.W. Browscombe, C.S. Vandergoot, R.J. Lennox, G. Bulte, G. Bino and J.D. Thiem. In Press. Electronic Tagging and Tracking of Animals in Inland Waters, In: Contribution to the Emerging Methods and Topics section of the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Elsevier, UK.

Cooke, S.J., J.N. Bergman, C.L. Madliger, R.L. Cramp, J. Beardall, G.P. Burness, T.D. Clark, B. Dantzer, E. de la Barrera, N.A. Fangue, C.E. Franklin, A. Fuller, L.A. Hawkes, K.R. Hultine, K.E. Hunt, O.P. Love, H.A. MacMillan, J.W. Mandelman, F.C. Mark, L.B. Martin, A.E.M. Newman, A.B. Nicotra, G.D. Raby, S.A. Robinson, Y. Ropert-Coudert, J.L. Rummer, F. Seebacher, A.E. Todgham, S. Tomlinson and S.L. Chown. 2021. One hundred research questions in conservation physiology for generating actionable evidence to inform conservation policy and practice. Conservation Physiology. 9(1):coab009.

Cooke, S.J., G.D. Raby, N.N. Bett, A.K. Teffer, N.J. Burnett, K.M. Jeffries, E.J. Eliason, E.G. Martins, K.M. Miller, D.A. Patterson, V.M. Nguyen, N. Young, A.P. Farrell and S.G. Hinch. 2021. On conducting management-relevant mechanistic science for upriver migrating adult Pacific salmon. Pages 35-55 in Madliger, C.L., C.E. Franklin O.P. Love and S.J. Cooke, Eds. Conservation Physiology: Applications for wildlife conservation and management. Oxford University Press, UK.

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Cover Image

Marsden, J.E., P.J. Blanchfield, J.L. Brooks, T. Fernandes, A.T. Fisk, M.H. Futia, B.L. Hlina, S.V. Ivanova, T.B. Johnson, N.V. Klinard, C.C. Krueger, S.M. Larocque, J.K. Matley, B. McMeans, L.M. O’Connor, G.D. Raby and S.J. Cooke. 2021. Using untapped telemetry data to explore the winter biology of freshwater fish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 31:115-134.

Buxton R., E.A. Nyboer, K. Pigeon, G.D. Raby, T. Rytwinsky, A.J. Gallagher, R. Schuster, H.-S. Lin, L. Fahrig, J.R. Bennett, S.J. Cooke and D.G. Roche. 2021. Avoiding wasted research resources in conservation science. Conservation Science and Practice. 3(2):e329.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Lawrence, M.J., G.D. Raby, A.K. Teffer, K.M. Jeffries, A.J. Danylchuk, E.J. Eliason, C.T. Hasler, T.D. Clark and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Best practices for non-lethal blood sampling of fish via the caudal vasculature. Journal of Fish Biology. 97:4-15.

Raby, G.D., J.M. Chapman, R. de Bruijn, E.J. Eliason, C.K. Elvidge, C.T. Hasler, C.L. Madliger, E.A. Nyboer, A.J. Reid, D.G. Roche, T. Rytwinski, T.D. Ward, A.D.M. Wilson and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Teaching post-secondary students in ecology and evolution: Strategies for early-career researchers. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. 13:14–24.

Cooke, S.J., M.J. Lawrence, G.D. Raby, A.K. Teffer, K.M. Jeffries, A.J. Danylchuk and T.D. Clark. 2019. Comment on Duman et al. 2019 – Practices for drawing blood samples from Teleost fish. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 81:424-426.