
All Publications by Graham D. Raby
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Robinson, K.A., S.G. Hinch, G.D. Raby, M.R. Donaldson, D. Robichaud, D.A. Patterson and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Influence of post-capture ventilation assistance on migration success of adult sockeye salmon following capture and release. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 144:693-704.

Raby, G.D., S.M. Wilson, D.A. Patterson, S.G. Hinch, T.D. Clark, A.P. Farrell and S.J. Cooke. 2015. A physiological comparison of three techniques for reviving sockeye salmon exposed to a severe capture stressor during upriver migration. Conservation Physiology. 3(1):cov015.

Raby, G.D., T.D. Clark, A.P. Farrell, D.A. Patterson, N.N. Bett, S.M. Wilson, W.G. Willmore, Cory D. Suski, S.G. Hinch and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Facing the river gauntlet: understanding the effects of fisheries capture and water temperature on the physiology of coho salmon. PLoS One. 10:e0124023.

Raby, G.D., S.G. Hinch, D.A. Patterson, J.A. Hills, L.A. Thompson, and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Mechanisms to explain purse seine bycatch mortality of coho salmon. Ecological Applications. 25: 1757-1775.

Raby, G.D., M.R. Donaldson, V.M. Nguyen, M.K. Taylor, N.M. Sopinka, K.V. Cook, D.A. Patterson, D. Robichaud, S.G. Hinch and S.J. Cooke. 2014. Bycatch mortality of endangered coho salmon: impacts, solutions, and aboriginal perspectives. Ecological Applications. 24:1803-1819.

Wilson, S.M., G.D. Raby, N.J. Burnett, S.G. Hinch and S.J. Cooke. 2014. Looking beyond the mortality of bycatch: sublethal effects of incidental capture on marine animals. Biological Conservation. 171:61-72.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., N.W.R. Lapointe, E.G. Martins, J.D. Thiem, G.D. Raby, M.K. Taylor, T.D. Beard Jr. and I.G. Cowx. 2013Failure to engage the public in issues related to inland fishes and fisheries: strategies for building public and political will to promote meaningful conservation. Journal of Fish Biology. 83:997-1018.

Fish and Fisheries

Raby, G.D., J.R. Packer, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke. 2014. The understudied and underappreciated role of predation in the mortality of fish released from fishing gears. Fish and Fisheries. 15:489-505.

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Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Nguyen, V.M., E.G. Martins, D. Robichaud, G.D. Raby, M.R. Donaldson, A.G. Lotto, W.G. Willmore, D.A. Patterson, A.P. Farrell, S.G. Hinch and S.J. Cooke. 2014. Disentangling the roles of air exposure, gillnet injury, and facilitated recovery on the post-capture and release mortality and behavior of adult migratory sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in freshwater. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 87:125-135.

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Fisheries Management and Ecology Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., M.R. Donaldson, C.M. O’Connor, G.D. Raby, R. Arlinghaus, A.J. Danylchuk, K.C. Hanson, S.G. Hinch, T.D. Clark, D.A. Patterson and C.D. Suski. 2013. The physiological consequences of catch-and-release angling: perspectives on experimental design, interpretation, extrapolation, and relevance to stakeholders. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 20:268-287.

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