
All Publications by Hsien-Yung Lin

Rytwinski, T., Lin, H.-Y., Harper, M., Smokorowski, K.E., Smith, A., Reid, J.L., Taylor, J.J.,  Birnie-Gauvin, K., Bradford, M.J., Crossman, J.A., Kavanagh, R., Lapointe, N.W.R., Turgeon, K., and Cooke, S.J. 2023. How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 4:e12216.

Soroye, P., B.P.M. Edwards, R.T. Buxton, J.P. Ethier, A. Frempong-Manso, H. Keefe, A. Berberi, M. Roach-Krajewski, A.D. Binley, J.G. Vincent, H-Y. Lin, S.J. Cooke and J.R. Bennett. 2022.  The risks and rewards of community science for threatened species monitoring.  Conservation Science & Practice. e12788.

Lin, H.-Y., E.G. Martins, M. Power, J.A. Crossman, A.J. Leake and S.J. Cooke. 2022.  An assessment tool for estimating effects of entrainment at hydropower facilities on adfluvial fish populations. Environment Systems and Decisions.

Bergman, J.N., R.T. Buxton, H-Y. Lin, M. Lenda, K. Attinello, A.C. Hajdasz, S.A. Rivest, T.T. Nguyen, S.J. Cooke and J.R. Bennett. 2022. Evaluating the benefits and risks of social media for wildlife conservation. FACETS Journal. 7:360-397.

Peiman, K.S., H.Y. Lin, M. Power, S.G. Hinch, D.A.  Patterson and S.J. Cooke.  2021.  Effects of short-term decomposition on isotope values of fish tissues under natural conditions.  Aquatic Ecology.  2021:1-9.

Nyboer, EA, Lin, H-Y, Bennett, JR, Gabriel, J, Twardek, W, Chhor, AD, Daly, L, Dolson, S, Guitard, E, Holder, P, Mozzon, CM, Trahan, A, Zimmermann, D, Kesner-Reyes, K, Garilao, C, Kaschner, K, & Cooke, SJ. 2021. Global assessment of marine and freshwater recreational fish reveals mismatch in climate change vulnerability and conservation effort. Global Change Biology. 27:4799-4824.

Lin, H.-Y., R. Schuster, S. Wilson, S.J. Cooke, A.D. Rodewald and J.R. Bennett. 2020. Integrating season-specific needs of migratory and resident birds in conservation planning. Biological Conservation. 252:108826.

Buxton, R.T., S. Avery-Gomm, H-Y. Lin, P.A. Smith, S.J. Cooke and J.R. Bennett. 2020. Half of resources in threatened species conservation plans are allocated to research and monitoring. Nature Communications. 11:4668.

Lin, H-Y., S.J. Cooke, C. Wolter, N. Young and J.R. Bennett. 2020. On the conservation value of historic canals for aquatic ecosystems. Biological Conservation. 251:108764.