
All Publications by Jon Midwood

Piczak, M. L., Berhe, S., Knag, A. C., Lennox, R. J., Vollset, K. W., Portiss, R., Midwood, J. D. and Cooke, S. J.  In Press. Evaluating ecological restoration in urban ecosystems with acoustic telemetry: marine and freshwater case studies. Urban Ecosystems. 00:000-000.

Larocque, S.M., C.M. Boston, J.L. Brooks, J.W. Brownscombe, S.J. Cooke, S.E. Doka, and J.D. Midwood.  2024.  Telemetry-derived seasonal fish-habitat associations and spatial use in the Hamilton Harbour Area of Concern in western Lake Ontario.  Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3593.  Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Reid, C.H., Berberi, A., Scott, K., Woods, S., Midwood, J.D., & Cooke, S.J. 2024. Evaluating immobilisation thresholds and suitability of conductive glove electrodes for largemouth bass electroanaesthesia. Fisheries Research. 272: 106931.

environmental biology of fishes cover image
 Croft-White, M.V., S.M. Larocque, D. Reddick, P. Smith, S.J. Cooke and J.D. Midwood.  2023.  Diversity of movement patterns of Longnose Gar tracked in coastal waters of western Lake Ontario.   Environmental Biology of Fishes.
Boston, C.M., R.W.K. Tang, J.L. Brooks, S. Larocque, J.A. Bowman, S.J. Cooke and J.D. Midwood.  2024.  Life outside the fishbowl: tracking an introduced population of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) in an embayment on the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research.  50:102253.

Piczak, M. L., Theÿsmeÿer, T., Doka, S. E., Midwood, J. D. and Cooke, S. J. 2023. Knowledge of spawning phenology may enhance selective barrier passage for wetland fishes. Wetlands 43:72.

Environmental Reviews Cover Image

Piczak, M. L., Perry, D., Cooke, S. J., Harrison, I., Benitez, S., Koning, A., Peng, L., Limbu, P., Moberg, T., Brown, A. D., Smokorowski, K., Midwood, J., Velasquez, B., Rodriguez, S. S., Joehn, J. D., Creed, I., and Abell, R. 2023. Protecting and restoring habitat to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss. Environmental Reviews.

Hydrobiologia Cover Image

Brownscombe, J.W., J.D. Midwood, S.E. Doka and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  Telemetry-based spatial-temporal fish habitat models for fishes in an urban freshwater harbour.  Hydrobiologia.  850:1779–1800

Piczak, M. L., Bzonek, P. A., Pratt, T. C., Sorensen, P. W., Stuart, I. G., Theÿsmeÿer, T., Mandrak, N. E., Midwood, J. D. and Cooke, S. J.  2023. Controlling common carp (Cyprinus carpio): barriers, biological traits, and selective fragmentation. Biological Invasions. 25:1317-1338.

Piczak, M. L., Brooks, J. L., Boston, C., Doka, S. E., Portiss, R., Lapointe N. W. R., Midwood, J. D. and Cooke, S.J. 2023. Spatial ecology of non-native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Ontario with implications for management. Aquatic Sciences 85(20).