
All Publications by Kathryn Peiman

Cooke, S.J., N. Young, K.S. Peiman, D.G. Roche, J.C. Clements, A.N. Kadykalo, J.F. Provencher, R. Raghavan, M.C. DeRosa, R.J. Lennox, A.R. Fayek, M.E. Cristescu, S.J. Murray, J. Quinn, K.D. Cobey, and H.I. Browman.  2024.  A harm reduction approach to improving peer review by acknowledging its imperfections.  FACETS Journal.  9(1), 1-14.

aquatic conservation cover image

Dusevic, M.R., B.S. Etherington, W.M. Twardek, T. Lepine, A.J. Zolderdo, A.J. Gallagher, K. Peiman, and S.J. Cooke.  2024.  Freshwater fish sanctuaries provide benefits for riparian wildlife.  Aquatic Conservation.  34(8), e4232.

Journal of Experimental Zoology Cover Image

Colborne, S., K.S. Peiman, K. Birnie-Gauvin, M.H. Larsen, K. Aarestrup and S.J. Cooke.  2024.  Effects of pre-winter cortisol exposure on condition, diet, and morphology of wild juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta).  Journal of Experimental Zoology A. 2024:1-11.

 Peiman, K., T. Rytwinski, K.E. Smokorowski, J. Lamoureux, A.E. Kirkwood, S. Melles, S. Rijkenberg, C. Vis, V. Minelga, A. Tyner, M. Harper, B. Tregunno, J.C. Vermaire, C.D. Rennie and S.J. Cooke.  2024.  The urgent need to identify thresholds to use for decisions about shoreline and riparian development in freshwater systems.  Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management.  27(3), 52-64.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Philipp, M.A., K.S. Peiman, G.T. Crossin, S.G. Hinch, D.A. Patterson, C.K. Elvidge and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  Using repeat injury assessments in adult Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to predict spawning success and describe severity of migration conditions.  Fisheries Research. 266:106797

Peiman, K.S., H.Y. Lin, M. Power, S.G. Hinch, D.A.  Patterson and S.J. Cooke.  2021.  Effects of short-term decomposition on isotope values of fish tissues under natural conditions.  Aquatic Ecology.  2021:1-9.

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Birnie-Gauvin, K., M.H. Larsen, K.S. Peiman, J.D. Midwood, A.D.M. Wilson, S.J. Cooke and K. Aarestrup.  2021.  No evidence for long-term carryover effects in a wild salmonid fish. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.  94:319-329.

Jarvis, W.M.C., K.S. Peiman, S.J. Cooke and B.W. Robinson. 2020. Low connectivity between sympatric populations of sunfish ecotypes suggests ecological opportunity contributes to diversification. Evolutionary Ecology. 34:391-410.

Lennox R.J., J.W. Brownscombe, C.K. Elvidge, P. Harrison, K. Peiman, G.D. Raby and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Behaviour including fish migration. Pages 125-135 in P. Woo and G.K. Iwama, Eds. Non Infectious Fish Disorders. CABI Publishing Group, UK.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Birnie-Gauvin, K., K.S. Peiman, M.H. Larsen, K. Aarestrup, K.M. Gilmour and S.J. Cooke.  2018.  Comparison of vegetable shortening and cocoa butter as vehicles for cortisol manipulation in fish from north temperate regions.  Journal of Fish Biology.  92(1):229-236.