
All Publications by LISA DONALDSON
Environmental Reviews Cover Image

Bergman, J.N., C. Beaudoin, I. Mistry, A. Turcotte, C. Vis, V. Minelga, K.L. Neigel, H-S. Lin, J.R. Bennett, N. Young, C. Rennie, L.L. Trottier, A.E.I. Abrams, P. Beaupre, D. Glassman, G. Blouin-Demers, D. Garant, L. Donaldson, J. Vermaire, J.P. Smol and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Historical, contemporary, and future perspectives on a coupled social-ecological system in a changing world: Canada’s historic Rideau Canal. Environmental Reviews. 30:72-87.


canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences cover Image

Rytwinski, T., L.A. Kelly, L.A. Donaldson, J.J. Taylor, A. Smith, D.A.R. Drake, A.L. Martel, J. Geist, T.J. Morris, A.L. George, A.J. Dextrase, J.R. Bennett and S.J. Cooke.  2021.  What evidence exists for evaluating the effectiveness of conservation-oriented captive breeding and release programs for imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels?  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.  78:1332-1346.

Rytwinski T., M. Harper, J.J. Taylor, J.R Bennett, L.A. Donaldson, K.E. Smokorowski, K. Clarke, M.J. Bradford, A. Doherty, H. Ghamry, B. Spearin, J. Olden, D. Boisclair and S.J. Cooke. 2020. What are the impacts of flow regime changes on fish productivity in temperate regions? A systematic map. Environment Evidence. 9:7.

Rytwinski, T., L.K. Elmer, J.J. Taylor, L.A. Donaldson, J.R. Bennett, K.E. Smokorowski, A.K. Winegardner and S.J. Cooke. 2019. How effective are spawning-habitat creation or enhancement measures for substrate-spawning fish? A synthesis. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 3333: viii + 183 p.

Donaldson, L.A., T. Rytwinski, J.J. Taylor, D.A.R. Drake, A. Martel and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Can conservation targets for imperiled freshwater fishes and mussels be achieved by captive breeding and release programs? A systematic map protocol to determine available evidence. Environmental Evidence. 8:16.

Environmental Reviews Cover Image

Rytwinski T., J.J. Taylor, L.A. Donaldson, J.R. Britton, D. Browne, R.E. Gresswell, M. Lintermans, K. Prior, M.G. Pellatt, C. Vis, S.J. Cooke. 2019. The effectiveness of non-native fish removal techniques in freshwater ecosystems: a systematic review. Environmental Reviews. 27:71-94.

Cooke, S.J., A.M. Rous, L.A. Donaldson, J.J. Taylor, T. Rytwinski, K.A. Prior, K.E. Smokorowski and J.R. Bennett.  2018.  Evidence-based restoration in the Anthropocene – From acting with purpose to acting for impact.  Restoration Ecology. 26(2):201-205.

Bulletin of Marine Science Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., R.J. Lennox, S.D. Bower, A.Z. Horodysky, M.K. Treml, E. Stoddard, L.A. Donaldson and A.J. Danylchuk. 2017. Fishing in the dark – the science and management of recreational fisheries at night. Bulletin of Marine Science. 93:519-538

Fisheries Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., S. Wesch, L.A. Donaldson, A.D.M. Wilson and N. Haddaway. 2017. A call for evidence-based conservation and management of fisheries and aquatic resources. Fisheries. 42(3):143-149.

Cooke, S.J., J.C. Rice, K.A. Prior, R. Bloom, O. Jensen, D.R. Browne, L.A. Donaldson, J.R. Bennett, J.C. Vermaire and G. Auld. 2016. The Canadian context for evidence-based conservation and environmental management.  Environmental Evidence. 5:14