
All Publications by Mike Lawrence

Carbajal, A., M.J. Lawrence, K.M. Gilmour, M. Lopez-Bejar and S.J. Cooke. 2023 .  Evaluation of the effects of exogenous cortisol manipulation and the glucocorticoid antagonist, RU486, on the exploratory tendency of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus).  Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.  49: 1187-1198.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Lawrence, M.J, T.S. Prystay, M. Dick, E.J. Eliason, C.K. Elvidge, S.G. Hinch, D.A. Patterson, A.G. Lotto and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  Metabolic constraints and individual variation shape the trade-off between physiological recovery and antipredator responses in adult sockeye salmon.  Journal of Fish Biology. 103:280-291.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Desforges, J.E., K. Birnie-Gauvin, F. Jutfelt, K.M. Gilmour, E.J. Eliason, T.L. Dressler, D.J. McKenzie, A.E. Bates, M.J. Lawrence, N. Fangue and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  The ecological relevance of critical thermal maxima methodology (CTM) for fishes.  Journal of Fish Biology. 102:1000-1016

Zolderdo, A.J., A.E.I. Abrams, M.J. Lawrence, C.H. Reid, C.D. Suski, K.M. Gilmour, and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  Freshwater protected areas can preserve high-performance phenotypes in populations of a popular sportfish.  Conservation Physiology.  11:coad004.

Brownscombe, J.W., M.J. Lawrence, D. Deslauriers, R. Filgueira, R.J. Boyd, and S.J. Cooke.  2022.  Applied fish bioenergetics.   Pages 141-188 in: S.J. Cooke, N.A. Fangue, A.P. Farrell, C.J. Brauner and E.J. Eliason, Eds.  Conservation Physiology for the Anthropocene – A Systems Approach.  Fish Physiology Series Vol 39A.  Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Philipp, D.P., A. Zolderdo, M.J. Lawrence, J.E. Claussen, L. Nowell, P. Holder and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  COVID-19 reduced recreational fishing effort during the black bass spawning season, resulting in increases in black bass reproductive success and annual recruitment.  Fisheries Research.  259:106580.

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Lawrence, M.J., Scheuffele, H., Beever, S.B., Holder, P.E., Garroway, C.J., Cooke, S.J., and Clark, T.D.  2023. The role of metabolic phenotype in the capacity to balance competing energetic demands. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 96(2).

Environmental Reviews Cover Image

Marteinson, S.C., M.J. Lawrence, Z.E. Taranu, K. Kosziwka, J.J. Taylor, A. Green, A.K. Winegardner, T. Rytwinski, J.L. Reid, C. Dubetz, J. Leblanc, D.M. Galus and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Increased use of sanitizers and disinfectants during the COVID-19 pandemic: identification of antimicrobial chemicals and considerations for aquatic environmental contamination.  Environmental Reviews. 31:73-91.

Fish and Fisheries

Holder, P.E., C.M. Wood, M.J. Lawrence, T.D. Clark, C.D. Suski, J.M. Weber, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Are we any closer to understanding why fish can die after severe exercise? Fish and Fisheries. 23:1400-1417.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Lawrence, M.J., K.M. Jeffries, S.J. Cooke, E.C. Enders, C.T. Hasler, C.M. Somers, C.D. Suski and M.J. Louison. 2022. Catch and release ice fishing: Status, issues, and research needs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 151:322-332.