Algera, D.A., T. Ward, R. Zemlak, J. Crossman, P. Harrison, A. Leake, M. Power and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Stranded Kokanee salvaged from turbine intake infrastructure are at low risk for re-entrainment: A telemetry study in a hydropower facility forebay. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 40(6):1545-1552.
All Publications by Philip Harrison
Harrison, P.M., T. Ward, D.A. Algera, B. Culling, T. Euchner, A. Leake, J.A. Crossman, S.J. Cooke and M. Power. 2020. A comparison of turbine entrainment rates and seasonal entrainment vulnerability of two sympatric char species, bull trout and lake trout, in a hydropower reservoir. River Research and Applications. 36:1033-1045.
Algera, D.A., T. Rytwinski, J.J. Taylor, J.R. Bennett, K.E. Smokorowski, P.M. Harrison, K.D. Clarke, E.C. Enders, M. Power, M.S. Bevelhimer and S.J. Cooke. 2020. What are the relative risks of mortality and 1 injury for fish during downstream passage at hydroelectric dams in temperate regions? A systematic review. Environmental Evidence. 9(3):1-36.
Pinder, A.C., J.R. Britton, A.J. Harrison, P. Nautiyal, S.D. Bower, S.J Cooke, S. Lockett, M. Everard, U. Katwate, K. Ranjeet, S.Walton, A.J Danylchuk, N. Dahanukar, and R. Raghavan. 2019. Mahseer (Tor spp.) fishes of the world: status, challenges and opportunities for conservation. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 29:417-452.
Harrison, P.M., E.G. Martins, D.A. Algera, T. Rytwinski, B. Mossop, A.J. Leake, M. Power and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Turbine entrainment and passage of potadromous fish through hydropower dams: developing conceptual frameworks and metrics for moving beyond turbine passage mortality. Fish and Fisheries. 20(3):403-418.