
All Publications by Robert Lennox
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., A.D.M. Wilson, C.K. Elvidge, R.J. Lennox, N. Jepsen, A.H. Colotelo and R.S. Brown. 2016. Ten practical realities for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees when evaluating protocols dealing with fish in the field. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 26: 123-133.

Lennox, R.J., I. Mayer, T.B. Havn, M.R. Johansen, K. Whoriskey, S.J. Cooke, E.B. Thorstad and I. Uglem. 2016.  Consequences of recreational angling and air exposure on the physiological status and reflex impairment of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus).  Boreal Environment Research. 21: 461–470.

Hydrobiologia Cover Image

Crawford, C., J.D. Midwood, R.J. Lennox, S. Bliss, C. Belanger and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Experimental displacement of longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae), reveals rapid fish avoidance of a stormwater drain in an urban watershed. Hydrobiologia. 767:197-206.

Lennox, R.J., J.W. Brownscombe, S.J. Cooke, A.J. Danylchuk, P.S. Moro, E.A. Sanches, and D. Garonne-Neto. 2015. Evaluation of catch-and-release angling practices for the fat snook Centropomus parallelus in a Brazilian estuary. Ocean and Coastal Management. 113:1-7.

Lennox R.J., K. Choi, P.M. Harrison, J.E. Paterson, T. Peat, T. Ward and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Improving science-based invasive species management with physiological knowledge, concepts, and tools. Biological Invasions. 17:2213-2227.

Ecology of Freshwater Fish Cover Image

Lennox, R.J., O.H. Diserud, S.J. Cooke, E.B. Thorstad, F.G. Whoriskey, Ø. Solem, T.B. Havn and I. Uglem. 2016. Switching between gear types increases recapture rates of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in catch-and-release fisheries. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 25:422-428.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Lennox, R. J., I. Uglem, S.J.  Cooke, T. Næsje, F.G Whoriskey, T.B. Havn, E.M. Ulvan, Ø. Solem and E.B. Thorstad. 2015. Does catch-and-release angling alter the behavior and fate of adult Altantic Salmon during upriver migration? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 144(2):400-409.

Fisheries Cover Image

Cook, K.V., R.J. Lennox, S.G. Hinch, and S.J. Cooke.  2015.  Fish out of water: How much air is too much?  Fisheries.  40:452-461.


Fisheries Research Cover Image

Lennox, R. J., K. Whoriskey, G. T. Crossin and S. J. Cooke. 2015. Influence of angler hook-set behaviour relative to hook type on capture success and incidences of deep hooking and injury in a teleost fish. Fisheries Research 164:201-205.

Bower, S.D., R.J. Lennox and S.J. Cooke. 2014. Is there a role for freshwater protected areas in the conservation of migratory fish? Inland Waters. 5:1-6.