All Publications by Robert Lennox
Twardek, W.M., R.J. Lennox, M.J. Lawrence, J. Monaghan Logan, P. Szekeres, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke. 2017. Survival of Walleye released following ice-angling on Lake Nipissing. A report submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. FECPL Report 03-2017, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. 29pp
Lennox R.J., K. Aarestrup, S.J. Cooke, P.D. Cowley, Z.D. Deng, A.T. Fisk, R.G. Harcourt, M. Heupel, S.G. Hinch, K.N. Holland, N.E. Hussey, S.J. Iverson, S.T. Kessel, J.F. Kocik, M.C. Lucas, J. Mills Flemming, V.M. Nguyen, M.J.W. Stokesbury, S. Vagle, D.L. VanderZwaag, F.G. Whoriskey and N. Young. 2017. Envisioning the future of aquatic animal tracking: Technology, science, and application. BioScience. 67(10):884-896.
Cooke, S.J., K. Birnie-Gauvin, R.J. Lennox, J.J. Taylor, T. Rytwinski, J.L. Rummer, C.E. Franklin, J.R. Bennett and N.R. Haddaway. 2017. How experimental biology and ecology can support evidence-based decision-making in conservation: Avoiding pitfalls and enabling application. Conservation Physiology. 5(1):cox043.
Patterson, D.A., K.A. Robinson, R.J. Lennox, T.L. Nettles, L.A. Donaldson, E.J. Eliason, G.D. Raby, J.M. Chapman, K.V. Cook, M.R. Donaldson, A.L. Bass, S.M. Drenner, A.J. Reid, S.J. Cooke and S.G. Hinch. 2017. Review and Evaluation of Fishing-Related Incidental Mortality for Pacific Salmon. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document. 2017/010:ix + 155p.