
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke

Bergman, J.N., Vis, C., Minelga, V., Bennett, J.R., and Cooke, S.J.  In Press.  Evaluating the use of a freshwater protected area by northern pike (Esox lucius) in a large temperate lake system. Aquatic Sciences. 00:000-000.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Casselberry, G.A., G.B. Skomal, L.P. Griffin, J.W. Brownscombe, J.T. Finn, J. Dello Russo, A. Filous, P.E. Holder, B. Daughtry, J. Kneebone, D. Morley, S. Lowerre-Barbieri, B. Anderson, J. Sulikowski, S.J. Cooke, and A.J. Danylchuk. In press. Migratory patterns and seasonal habitat use of great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran) in the southeastern United States. Journal of Fish Biology.  00:000-000.

Cooke, S. J., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Madliger, C., Suski, C. D., Eliason, E. J., Jeffries, K., & Clements, J. C. (2025). The Tool Box for Mechanistic Understanding of Conservation Problems Facing Marine Wildlife. In J.M. Molina and G.E. Blasina, Editors. Volume 2: Marine Ecology: An Ecosystemic View of Anthropogenic Impacts.  Taylor and Francis, NY.

Fisheries Cover Image

Nguyen, V.M., K.J. Fiorella, L. Castello, M.K. Badhon, C. Beaudoin, J. Coffin-Schmitt, S.J Cooke, A.T Fisk, E. Nyboer, D.M. O’Keefe, E.D. Rice, R. Stedman, N. Venker and A. Macneil.  In Press.  Provisioning fisheries: A framework for recognizing the fuzzy boundary around commercial, subsistence, and recreational fisheries.  Fisheries.  00:000-000.

BioScience Cover Image

Piczak, M. L., Lennox, R. J., Vollset, K. W., Preiszner, B., Eros, T., Bulte, G., Keevil, M., Richardson, J. and Cooke, S. J.  In Press. On the underappreciated role of scavengers in freshwater ecosystems. BioScience. 00:000-000.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Cover Image

Reid, C.H., Davis, R., Gilmour, K.M., Klassen, C.N., Crossman, J.A., & Cooke, S.J. In Press. Contrasting the effects of immobilisation and anaesthesia on the stress physiology and behaviour of juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: 000:000-000.

Velazquez, D.C., and S.J. Cooke.  2024.  Lac Kingsmere and Lac Mulvihill Largemouth Bass Removal Project.  2024 Report.  Prepared for the National Capital Commission by Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

D’Addario, A., H.G. Postma, P.D. LeBrun, M. Meeker, C. Mackenzie, M. Watson, S.J. Landsman, L. Schiller, and S.J. Cooke.  In Press.  Assessing United Nations conservation-oriented days, years and decades through the lens of a change model.  Environmental Conservation.  00:000-000.

Environmental Management Cover Image

Tedeschi,  A.C., L.J. Stoot, T. Rytwinski, G. Auld and S.J. Cooke.  In Press.  A policy scan of cumulative effects assessment in support of renewable clean growth projects in Canada.  Environmental Management.  00:000-000.