
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Fisheries Management and Ecology Cover Image

Arlinghaus, R., T. Klefoth, A.J. Gingerich, M.R. Donaldson, K.C. Hanson and S.J. Cooke. 2008. The behaviour and survival of pike (Esox lucius L.) with a retained lure in the lower jaw. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 15:459-466.

Arlinghaus, R., and S.J. Cooke. 2008. Recreational fishing: socio-economic importance, conservation issues and management challenges. Pages 39-58 in B. Dickson, J. Hutton, and B. Adams, Eds. Recreational Hunting, Conservation and Rural Livelihoods: Science and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Hanson, K.C., M-A. Gravel, T. Redpath, S.J. Cooke and M.J. Siepker. 2008. Latitudinal variation in behavioral and physiological responses of nest guarding smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) to common recreational angling practices. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 137:1558-1566.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Barthel, B.L., S.J. Cooke, J.H. Svec, C.D. Suski, C.M. Bunt, F.J.S. Phelan and D.P. Philipp. 2008. Divergent life histories among smallmouth bass inhabiting a connected river-lake system. Journal of Fish Biology. 73:829-852.

Danylchuk, A.J., Danylchuk, S.E., Cooke, S.J., Goldberg, T.L., Koppelman, J.and D.P. Philipp. 2008. Ecology and management of bonefish (Albula spp) in the Bahamian Archipelago. Pages 73-92 in The World Biology of Tarpon and Bonefish. J.Ault, G. Kelley and R. Humston, Eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Cooke, S.J., and D.P. Philipp. 2008. Improving the sustainability of catch-and-release bonefish (Albula spp.) fisheries: insights for anglers, guides and fisheries managers. Pages 359-381 in The World Biology of Tarpon and Bonefish. J.Ault, G. Kelley and R. Humston, Eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Rapp, T., S.J. Cooke and R. Arlinghaus. 2008. Conservation and exploitation of specialized fisheries resources: the importance of hook size in recreational angling for trophy common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Fisheries Research. 94:79-83.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Danylchuk, A.J., A. Adams, S.J. Cooke and C.D. Suski. 2008. An evaluation of the injury and short-term survival of bonefish (Albula spp.) as influenced by a mechanical lip-gripping device used by recreational anglers. Fisheries Research. 93:248-252.

north american journal of fisheries management cover image

Thompson, L.A., M.R. Donaldson, K.C. Hanson, R. Arlinghaus and S. J. Cooke. 2008. Physiology, behavior and survival of angled and air exposed largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 28:1059-1068.

Canadian Journal of Zoology Cover Image

Hanson, K.C., C.T. Hasler, S.J. Cooke, C.D. Suski and D.P. Philipp. 2008. Intersexual variation in the seasonal behaviour and depth distribution of a freshwater temperatre fish, the largemouth bass. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 86:801-811.