
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke

Young, L,., C. Haenlein, G. Evans with S. Benbow, Z. Bending, A. Caveen, S.J .Cooke, A. Daniels, A. Delano-Johnson, C. Devlin, N. Esmail, S. Farrer, T. Gupta, K. Kun He, T. Hlavac, B. Hutniczak, S. Jardine, M. Kohonen, D. Lajus, V. Jayant Patankar, V. Radchenko, D.L. Roberts, L. Schiller, J. Simeone, A. Song, N.G Taylor, C.E. Villaça and C. Workman.  2023.  Future Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Trends in a Warming World:  A Global Horizon Scan.  Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Occasional Paper.  UK.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Desforges, J.E., K. Birnie-Gauvin, F. Jutfelt, K.M. Gilmour, E.J. Eliason, T.L. Dressler, D.J. McKenzie, A.E. Bates, M.J. Lawrence, N. Fangue and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  The ecological relevance of critical thermal maxima methodology (CTM) for fishes.  Journal of Fish Biology. 102:1000-1016

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Sbragaglia, V., J.W. Brownscombe, S.J. Cooke, A.D. Buijse, R. Arlinghaus and W.M. Potts. 2023.  Preparing recreational fisheries for the uncertain future: An update of progress towards answering the 100 most pressing research questions.  Fisheries Research. 263:106662.

canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences cover Image

Elmer, L.K., A.L. Bass, S.D. Johnston, K.H. Kaukinen, L.A. Kelly, S. Li, A.K. Teffer, K.M. Miller, S.J. Cooke and S.G. Hinch.  2023.  Changes in infectious agent profiles and host gene expression during spawning migrations of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.  80:1313-1334.

Alamenciak, T., D. Pomezanski, N. Shackelford, S.D. Murphy, S.J. Cooke, L. Rochefort and S. Voicescu. In Press. Ecological restoration knowledge in Canada: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How? FACETS Journal. 8:1-11.

Hydrobiologia Cover Image

Brownscombe, J.W., J.D. Midwood, S.E. Doka and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  Telemetry-based spatial-temporal fish habitat models for fishes in an urban freshwater harbour.  Hydrobiologia.  850:1779–1800

Monchamp, M-E., Z.E. Taranu, R.E. Garner, T. Rehill, O. Morissette, L.L. Iversen, V. Fugère, J.E. Littlefair, N. Barbosa da Costa, J.E. Desforges, J.R. Sánchez Schachta, A.M. Derry, S.J. Cooke, R.D.H. Barrett, D.A. Walsh, I. Ragoussis, M. Albert, M.E. Cristescu and I. Gregory-Eaves.  2023.  Prioritizing taxa for genetic reference database development to advance inland water conservation.  Biological Conservation. 280:109963

Birnie-Gauvin, K., A.J. Lynch, P.A. Franklin, A.J. Reid, S.J. Landsman, D. Tickner, J. Dalton, S.J. Cooke and K. Aarestrup.  2023.  The RACE for freshwater biodiversity: Essential actions to create the social context for meaningful conservation.  Conservation Science & Practice.  5:e12911.

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., E.A. Fulton, W.H.H. Sauer, A.J. Lynch, J.S. Link, A.A. Koning, J.K. Jena, L.G.M. Silva, A.J. King, R. Kelly, M. Osborne, J. Nakamura, A.L. Preece, A. Hagiwara, K. Forsberg, J.B. Kellner, I. Coscia, S. Helyar, M. Barange, E. Nyboer, M.J. Williams, R. Chuenpagdee, G.A. Begg and B.M. Gillanders.  2023. Towards vibrant fish populations and sustainable fisheries that benefit all: Learning from the last 30 years to inform the next 30 years.  Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.  33:317-347.

Hydrobiologia Cover Image

Gutowsky, L.F.G., S.G. Blair, S.J. Cooke and M.G. Fox.  2023 Summer and autumn movement ecology of native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in urban headwater streams of Eastern North America.  Hydrobiologia.  850:3481-3495.