All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Rytwinski, T., Lin, H.-Y., Harper, M., Smokorowski, K.E., Smith, A., Reid, J.L., Taylor, J.J., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Bradford, M.J., Crossman, J.A., Kavanagh, R., Lapointe, N.W.R., Turgeon, K., and Cooke, S.J. 2023. How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and biomass in temperate regions? A systematic review. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 4:e12216.
Lynch, A.J., S.J. Cooke, A.H. Arthington, C. Baigun, L. Bossenbroek, C. Dickens, I. Harrison, I. Kimirei, S.D. Langhans, K.J. Murchie, J.D. Olden, S.J. Ormerod, M. Owuor, R. Raghavan, M.J. Samways, R. Schinegger, S. Sharma, R-D. Tachamo-Shah, D. Tickner, D. Tweddle, N. Young and S.C. Jähnig. 2023. People need freshwater biodiversity. WIREs Water. 10(3):e1633.
Muir, A.M., J.R. Bernhardt, N.W. Boucher, C. Cvitanovic, J.M. Dettmers, M. Gaden, J.L.M. Hinderer, B. Locke, K.F. Robinson, M.J. Siefkes, N. Young and S.J. Cooke. 2023. Confronting a post-pandemic new-normal—threats and opportunities to trust-based relationships in natural resource science and management. Journal of Environmental Management. 330:117140.
Killen, S.S., J. Hollins, B. Koeck, R.J. Lennox, and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Consequences for fisheries in a multi-stressor world. Pages 175-208 in: N.A. Fangue, S.J. Cooke, A.P. Farrell, C.J. Brauner and E.J. Eliason, Eds. Conservation Physiology for the Anthropocene – Issues and Applications. Fish Physiology Series Vol 39B. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.
Brownscombe, J.W., M.J. Lawrence, D. Deslauriers, R. Filgueira, R.J. Boyd, and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Applied fish bioenergetics. Pages 141-188 in: S.J. Cooke, N.A. Fangue, A.P. Farrell, C.J. Brauner and E.J. Eliason, Eds. Conservation Physiology for the Anthropocene – A Systems Approach. Fish Physiology Series Vol 39A. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.