
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Fisheries Research Cover Image

Lepine, T.M., W.M. Twardek, B. Etherington, M. Dusevic, L. LaRochelle, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  The effectiveness of bite-shortened hooks for reducing handling time and injury of small-bodied freshwater fish captured by recreational anglers.  Fisheries Research.  259:106558.

Wilcox, A.A.E., J.F. Provencher, D.A. Henri, S.M. Alexander, J.J. Taylor, S.J. Cooke, P.J. Thomas and L.R. Johnson.  2023.  Braiding Indigenous knowledge systems and Western-based sciences in the Alberta oil sands region: A systematic review.  FACETS Journal.  8:1-32.

Etherington, B. S., Piczak, M. L., LaRochelle, L., Gallagher, A. J. and Cooke, S. J. 2023. Effects of anthropogenic activities on scavenger communities in freshwater riparian zones of Eastern Ontario, Canada. Aquatic Ecology.  57:115-125.

Hydrobiologia Cover Image

Bergman, J.N., Negiel, K., Landsman, S.J., Glassman, D., LaRochelle, L., Rennie, C., Bennett, J.R. and Cooke, S.J.  2023.  Multi-year evaluation of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) spatial ecology during winter drawdowns in a regulated, urban waterway in Canada. Hydrobiologia. 850:417-439.

Piczak, M. L., Brooks, J. L., Boston, C., Doka, S. E., Portiss, R., Lapointe N. W. R., Midwood, J. D. and Cooke, S.J. 2023. Spatial ecology of non-native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Ontario with implications for management. Aquatic Sciences 85(20).

Cooke, S.J., M.L. Piczak, J.C. Vermaire and A.E. Kirkwood.  In Press.  On the troubling use of plastic “habitat” structures for fish in freshwater ecosystems – or – when restoration is just littering.  FACETS Journal. 8:1-19.

Xiang L, Mi X, Dang Y, Zeng Y, Jiang W, Du H, Twardek WM, Cooke SJ, Bao J and Duan M.  2022.  Shyer fish are superior swimmers in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii).  Frontiers in Marine Science 9:1040225.

Twardek, W.M., N.W.R. Lapointe and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  Fishway performance of adult Chinook salmon completing one of the world’s longest inland salmon migrations to the upper Yukon River.  Ecological Engineering.  187:106846.

environmental biology of fishes cover image

Szekeres, P., A.V. Agberien, M. Dick, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Short-term space use of small-bodied fish in coastal flats ecosystems in The Bahamas: An acoustic telemetry study using the smallest commercially-available transmitters.  Environmental Biology of Fishes. 106: 321-336

River Research and Applications Image

Pleizier, N.K., S.J. Cooke and C.J. Brauner.  2023.  Does swimming activity influence gas bubble trauma in fish?  River Research and Applications.  39:65-72.