Shea, B.D., S.K. Coulter, K.E. Dooling, H.L. Isihara, J.C. Roth, E. Sudal, D.J. Donovan, L.A. Hoopes, A.D.M. Dove, S.J. Cooke and A.J. Gallagher. 2022. Recreational fishing fight times are not correlated with physiological status of blue sharks in the Northwestern Atlantic. Fisheries Research. 248:106220.
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Jacaban, E., T. Rytwinski, J.J. Taylor, N. Young, V.M. Nguyen and S.J. Cooke. In Press. Do environmental systematic reviews impact policy and practice? Author perspectives on the application of their work. Environmental Science & Policy. 129:159-167. (DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2021.12.019)