
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., E. Nyboer, A. Bennett, A.J. Lynch, D.M. Infante, I.G. Cowx, T.D. Beard, Jr., D. Bartley, C.P. Paukert, A.J. Reid, S. Funge-Smith, E. Gondwe, E. Kaunda, J.D. Koehn, N.J. Souter, G.L. Stokes, L. Castello, N.J. Leonard, C. Skov, S. Berg and W.W. Taylor. 2021.  The Ten Steps to Responsible Inland Fisheries in Practice: Reflections from Diverse Regional Case Studies Around the Globe. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.  31:843-877.

Alexander, S. M., Provencher, J. F., Henri, D. A., Nanayakkara, L., Taylor, J. J., Berberi, A., Lloren, J. I., Johnson, J.T., Ballard, M. and Cooke, S. J. 2021. Bridging Indigenous and Western sciences in freshwater research, monitoring, and management in Canada. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.  2:e12085.

Bard, B., A. Dodge, W. Joyce, M. Lawrence, S.J. Cooke and K.M. Gilmour. 2021. Elevated cortisol lowers thermal tolerance but results in limited cardiac remodelling in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) experiencing chronic social stress. Journal of Experimental Biology. 224:jeb238683.

Twardek, W.M., Lapointe, N. W. R., and S. J. Cooke. 2021. Assessing the fate of returning upper Yukon River Chinook salmon (2017-2020). Canadian Wildlife Federation. Technical Report.

Birnie-Gauvin K, Rytwinski T, Harper M, Taylor JJ, Smith A, Smokorowski KE, Turgeon K, Bradford MJ, Cooke SJ (In Press) How do natural changes in flow magnitude affect fish abundance and diversity in temperate regions? A systematic review protocol. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.  2:e12079.


Birnie-Gauvin, K., X. Bordeleau, S.J. Cooke, J.G. Davidsen, S. Eldøy, E.J. Eliason, A. Moore, and K. Aarestrup.  In Press.  Life-history strategies in salmonids: the role of physiology and its consequences.  Biological Reviews.  96:2304-2320.

Madliger CL, Franklin CE, Chown SL, Fuller A, Hultine KR, Costantini D, Hopkins WA, Peck MA, Rummer JL, Sack L, Willis CKR, and Cooke SJ.  In Press.  The second warning to humanity: contributions and solutions from conservation physiology. Conservation Physiology.  9:coab038.

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Birnie-Gauvin, K., M.H. Larsen, K.S. Peiman, J.D. Midwood, A.D.M. Wilson, S.J. Cooke and K. Aarestrup.  2021.  No evidence for long-term carryover effects in a wild salmonid fish. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.  94:319-329.

Bates, A.E., R.B. Primack, PAN-Environment Working Group (includes S.J. Cooke, J. Brooks, J.D. Midwood and J. Brownscombe + 340 other coauthors) and C.M. Duarte.  2021.  Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment.  Biological Conservation.  263:109175.

Twardek, W.M., E.A. Nyboer, D. Tickner, C.M. O’Connor, N.W.R. Lapointe, M.K. Taylor, I. Gregory-Eaves, J.P. Smol, A.J. Reid, I.F. Creed, V.M. Nguyen, A.K. Winegardner, J.N. Bergman, J.J. Taylor, T. Rytwinski, A.L. Martel, A.R. Drake, S.A. Robinson, J. Marty, J.R. Bennett and S.J. Cooke.  2021.  Mobilizing practitioners to support the Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater biodiversity.  Conservation Science and Practice.  3:e467.