
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
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Cooke, S.J., A.J. Lynch, J.J. Piccolo, J.D. Olden, A.J. Reid and S.J. Ormerod.  2021.  Stewardship and management of freshwater ecosystems – from Leopold’s land ethic to a freshwater ethic.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.  31:1499-1511.

Filous, A., R.J. Lennox, J.P. Beaury, H. Bagnis, M. Mchugh, A.M. Friedlander, E.E.G. Clua, S.J. Cooke, T.K. Fuller and A.J. Danylchuk. 2021. Fisheries science and marine education catalyze the renaissance of traditional management (rahui) to improve an artisanal fishery in French Polynesia. Marine Policy. 123:104291.

Lin, H.-Y., R. Schuster, S. Wilson, S.J. Cooke, A.D. Rodewald and J.R. Bennett. 2020. Integrating season-specific needs of migratory and resident birds in conservation planning. Biological Conservation. 252:108826.

Buxton R., E.A. Nyboer, K. Pigeon, G.D. Raby, T. Rytwinsky, A.J. Gallagher, R. Schuster, H.-S. Lin, L. Fahrig, J.R. Bennett, S.J. Cooke and D.G. Roche. 2021. Avoiding wasted research resources in conservation science. Conservation Science and Practice. 3(2):e329.

Raynal, J.M., R. Weeks, R.L. Pressey, A.J. Adams, A. Barnett, S.J. Cooke and M. Sheaves. 2020. Habitat-dependent outdoor recreation and conservation organizations can enable recreational fishers to contribute to conservation of coastal marine ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation. 24:e01342.

Fisheries Cover Image

Paradis, Y., S. Bernatchez, D. Lapointe and S.J. Cooke. 2021. Can you fish in a pandemic? An overview of recreational fishing management policies in North America during the COVID-19 crisis. Fisheries. 46(2):81-85.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Litt, M.A., N. Young, N.W.R. Lapointe and S.J. Cooke. 2021. Angler interactions with American Eel (Anguilla rostrata): Exploring perspectives and behavior toward an imperiled fish. Fisheries Research. 234:105781.

Fisheries Management and Ecology Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., and A.J. Danylchuk. 2020. Hook disgorgers remove deep hooks but kill fish – A plea for cutting the line. Fisheries Management & Ecology. 27:622-627.

Nguyen, V.M., C. Delle Palme, B. Pentz, C.S. Vandergoot, C.C. Krueger, N. Young and S.J. Cooke. 2021. Overcoming barriers to transfer of scientific knowledge: integrating biotelemetry into fisheries management in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Socio-Ecological Practice Research. 3:17-36.

Arlinghaus, R., I.G. Cowx, B. Key, B.K. Diggles, A. Schwab, S.J. Cooke, A. Berit Skiftesvik and H.I. Browman. 2020. Pragmatic animal welfare is independent of feelings. Science. 370(6513):179-181.