
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke

Chapman, J.M., A.K. Teffer, A.L. Bass, D.A. Patterson, S.G. Hinch, K.M. Miller and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Handling, infectious agents, and physiological condition influence survival and post-release behaviour in migratory adult coho salmon after experimental displacement. Conservation Physiology. 8:coaa033.

Pullin, A.S., S.H. Cheng, S.J. Cooke, N.R. Haddaway, B. Macura, M.C. McKinnon and J.J. Taylor. 2020. Informing conservation decisions through evidence synthesis and communication. Pages 114-123 in Sutherland, W.J., P.N.M. Brotherton, Z.G. Davies, N. Ockendon, N. Pettorelli and J.A. Vickery, Eds. Conservation Research, Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press, UK.

River Research and Applications Image

Harrison, P.M., T. Ward, D.A. Algera, B. Culling, T. Euchner, A. Leake, J.A. Crossman, S.J. Cooke and M. Power. 2020. A comparison of turbine entrainment rates and seasonal entrainment vulnerability of two sympatric char species, bull trout and lake trout, in a hydropower reservoir. River Research and Applications. 36:1033-1045.

Aquatic Biology Cover Image

Staaterman, E., A.J. Gallagher, P.E. Holder, C.H. Reid, A.H. Altieri, M.B. Ogburn, J.L. Rummer and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Exposure to boat noise in the field yields minimal stress response in wild reef fish. Aquatic Biology. 29:93-103.

BioScience Cover Image

Lennox R.J., R. Harcourt, J.R. Bennett, A. Davies, A.T. Ford, R.M. Frey, M.W. Hayward, N.E. Hussey, S.J. Iverson, R. Kays, S.T. Kessel, C. McMahon, M. Muelbert, T.S. Murray, V.M. Nguyen, J.D. Pye, D.G. Roche, F.G. Whoriskey, N. Young and S.J. Cooke. 2020. A novel framework to protect animal data in a world of eco-surveillance. BioScience. 70:468-476.

Raby, G.D., J.M. Chapman, R. de Bruijn, E.J. Eliason, C.K. Elvidge, C.T. Hasler, C.L. Madliger, E.A. Nyboer, A.J. Reid, D.G. Roche, T. Rytwinski, T.D. Ward, A.D.M. Wilson and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Teaching post-secondary students in ecology and evolution: Strategies for early-career researchers. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. 13:14–24.

MacLean, K., T.S. Prystay, M.J. Lawrence, A.J. Zolderdo, L.F.G. Gutowsky, E. Staaterman, A.J. Gallagher and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Going the distance: Influence of distance between boat noise and nest site on the behaviour of paternal smallmouth bass. Water, Air & Soil Pollution. 231:1-11.

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Little, A.G., T. Dressler, K. Kraskura, E. Hardison, B. Hendriks, T. Prystay, A.P. Farrell, S.J. Cooke, D.A. Patterson, S.G. Hinch and E.J. Eliason. 2020. Maxed out: Optimizing accuracy, precision and power for field measures of maximum metabolic rate in fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 93:243-254.

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., J.J. Cech, D. Glassman, J. Simard, S. Louttit, R.J. Lennox, L. Cruz-Font and C.M. O’Connor. 2020. Water resource development and sturgeon (Acipenseridae): State of the science and research gaps related to fish passage, entrainment, impingement and behavioural guidance. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 30:219-244.

Cooke, S.J., C.L. Madliger, R.L. Cramp, J. Beardall, G.P. Burness, S.L. Chown, T.D. Clark, B. Dantzer, E. de la Barrera, N.A. Fangue, C.E. Franklin, A. Fuller, L.A. Hawkes, K.R. Hultine, K.E. Hunt, O.P. Love, H.A. MacMillan, J.W. Mandelman, F.C. Mark, L.B. Martin, A.E.M. Newman, A.B. Nicotra, S.A. Robinson, Y. Ropert-Coudert, J.L. Rummer, F. Seebacher and A.E. Todgham. 2020. Reframing conservation physiology to be more inclusive, integrative, relevant and forward-looking: reflections and a horizon scan. Conservation Physiology. 8:coaa016.