
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke

Brownscombe J.W., L.P. Griffin, J.M. Chapman, D. Morley, A. Acosta, G.T. Crossin, S.J. Iverson, A.J. Adams, S.J. Cooke and A.J. Danylchuk. 2020. A practical method to account for variation in detection range in acoustic telemetry arrays to accurately quantify the spatial ecology of aquatic animals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 11:82-94.

Rytwinski, T., L.K. Elmer, J.J. Taylor, L.A. Donaldson, J.R. Bennett, K.E. Smokorowski, A.K. Winegardner and S.J. Cooke. 2019. How effective are spawning-habitat creation or enhancement measures for substrate-spawning fish? A synthesis. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 3333: viii + 183 p.

Hayden, T.A., C. Vandergoot, D.G. Fielder, S.J. Cooke, J.M. Dettmers and C.C. Krueger. 2019. Telemetry reveals limited exchange of walleye between Lake Erie and Lake Huron: movement of two populations through the Huron-Erie corridor. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 45:1241-1250.

Steell, S.C., T.E. Van Leeuwen, J.W. Brownscombe, S.J. Cooke and E.J. Eliason. 2019. An appetite for invasion: digestive physiology, thermal performance, and food intake in lionfish (Pterois spp.). Journal of Experimental Biology. 222:1-12.

Reid, A. J., A. K. Carlson, D. E. L. Hanna, J. D. Olden, S. J. Ormerod and S. J. Cooke. 2020. Conservation challenges to freshwater ecosystems. Pages 270-278 in S. A. Elias, Ed. Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes, Reference Module in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier.

Bergman, J.N., J.R. Bennett, A.D. Binley, S.J. Cooke, F. Vincent, B.L. Hlina, C.H. Reid, M.A. Vala, C.L. Madliger. 2019. Scaling from individual physiological measures to population-level demographic change: case studies and future directions for conservation management. Biological Conservation. 238:108242.

Fish and Fisheries

Lynch, A.J., D.M. Bartley, T.D. Beard, Jr., I.G. Cowx, S. Funge-Smith, W.W. Taylor and S.J. Cooke. 2020. Examining progress toward achieving the Ten Steps of the Rome Declaration on Responsible Inland Fisheries. Fish and Fisheries. 21(1):190-203.

canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences cover Image

Pleizier, N.K., C. Nelson, S.J. Cooke and C.J. Brauner. 2020. Understanding gas bubble trauma in an era of hydropower expansion: How do fish compensate at depth? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77:556-563.

Roche, D. G., J.R. Bennett, E. Martins and S.J Cooke. 2019. A Third Party Scientific Review of Alberta Environment and Park’s North Central Native Trout Recovery Program. Government of Alberta, Ministry of Environment and Parks.

Science of the total environment Cover Image

Roche, D.G., J.R. Bennett, J. Provencher, T. Rytwinski, N.R. Haddaway and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Environmental sciences benefit from robust evidence irrespective of speed. Science of the Total Environment. 696:134000.