
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Cover Image

Pinder, A.C., J.R. Britton, A.J. Harrison, P. Nautiyal, S.D. Bower, S.J Cooke, S. Lockett, M. Everard, U. Katwate, K. Ranjeet, S.Walton, A.J Danylchuk, N. Dahanukar, and R. Raghavan. 2019. Mahseer (Tor spp.) fishes of the world: status, challenges and opportunities for conservation. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 29:417-452.

Twardek, W.M., J.M. Chapman, K.M. Miller, M.C. Beere, S. Li, K.H. Kaukinen, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Evidence of a hydraulically challenging reach serving as a barrier for the upstream migration of infection-burdened adult steelhead. Conservation Physiology. 7(1):coz023.

Taylor, J.J., T. Rytwinski, J.R. Bennett, K.E. Smokorowski, N.W.R. Lapointe, R. Janusz, K. Clarke, B. Tonn, J.C. Walsh and S.J. Cooke. 2019. The effectiveness of spawning habitat creation or enhancement for substrate-spawning temperate fish: a systematic review. Environmental Evidence. 8:19.

Nguyen, V.M., N. Young, J.W. Brownscombe and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Collaboration and engagement produce more actionable science: quantitatively analyzing uptake of fish tracking studies. Ecological Applications. 29(6):e01943.

canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences cover Image

Iverson, S.J., A.T. Fisk, S.G. Hinch, J. Mills Flemming, S.J. Cooke and F.G. Whoriskey. 2019. The Ocean Tracking Network: Advancing frontiers in aquatic science and management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76:1041-1051.

north american journal of fisheries management cover image

Walton-Rabideau, S.E., M. Newell, A.L. Jeanson, E.J.I. Lédée, J.M. Farrell and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Evaluation of tag retention, healing, growth and behavior in age-0 Muskellunge Esox masquinongy following acoustic transmitter implantation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 39:652-663.

aquatic conservation cover image

Zolderdo, A.J., A.E.I. Abrams, C.H. Reid, C.D. Suski, J.D. Midwood and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Evidence of fish spillover from freshwater protected areas in lakes of eastern Ontario. Aquatic Conservation. 29(7):1106-1122.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Cover Image

Prystay, T. S., M.J. Lawrence, A.J. Zolderdo, J.W. Brownscombe, R. de Bruijn, E.J. Eliason and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Exploring relationships between cardiovascular activity and parental care behavior in nesting smallmouth bass: a field study using heart rate biologgers.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 234:18-27.

Davidsen, J. G., H. Dong, M. Linné, M.H. Andersson, A. Piper, T.S. Prystay, E.B. Hvam, E.B. Thorstad, F. Whoriskey, S.J. Cooke, A.D. Sjursen, L. Rønning, T.C. Netland and A.D. Hawkins. 2019. Effects of sound exposure from a seismic airgun on heart rate, acceleration and swimming depth in Atlantic cod and saithe. Conservation Physiology. 7(1):coz020.

Harrison, P.M., R. Keeler, D. Robichaud, B. Mossop, M. Power and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Individual differences exceed species differences in the movements of a river fish community. Behavioural Ecology. 30(5):1289-1297.