
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke

Cooke, S.J., A.J. Danylchuk, J. Zhang, V.M. Nguyen, L.M. Hunt, R. Arlinghaus, K.J. Fiorella, H.M. Chan and T.L. Goldberg.  In Press.  A One Health perspective on recreational fisheries.  Facets.  9: 1-9.

Bulté, G., J.A. Robichaud, S.J. Cooke, H.A. MacMillan, and G. Blouin-Demers.  2024  Burying in lake sediments: a potential tactic used by female northern map turtles to avoid male harassment.  Ethology.  e13488.

Van Wert, J.C., A. Ekström, M.J.H. Gilbert, B.J. Hendriks, S.J. Cooke, D.A. Patterson, S.G. Hinch and E.J. Eliason.  2024.  Coronary circulation enhances the aerobic performance of wild Pacific salmon.  Journal of Experimental Biology.  227(20).

Fisheries Cover Image

Cooke, S.J., N. Young, S. Alexander, A.N. Kadykalo, A.J. Danylchuk, A.M. Muir, J.L.M. Hinderer, C. Cvitanovic and V.M. Nguyen.  2024.  Embracing implementation science to enhance fisheries and aquatic management and conservation.  Fisheries.  DOI: 10.1002/fsh.11112.

Environmental Management Cover Image

Zhang, J., Philipp, D.P., Claussen, J.E., Suski, C.D., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Lombardo, J., Cooke, S.J., 2024. Analysis of public comments on experimental regulations for protecting black bass during the spawning period in Eastern Ontario reveals both stakeholder acceptance and skepticism. Environmental Management.

Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

Shorgan, M.B., H.B. Reid, S.V. Ivanova, A.T. Fisk, S.J. Cooke and G.D. Raby.  2024.  Validation of a new acoustic telemetry transmitter for the study of predation events in small fishes.  Journal of Fish Biology. 1-9.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Lunzmann-Cooke, E.L., S.G. Hinch, A.L. Bass, S.D. Johnston, B.J. Hendriks, A.D. Porter, S.J. Cooke and D.W. Welch.  2024.  Recreational fisheries-related injuries and body size affect travel rate and post-release mortality in marine migrating coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).  Fisheries Research.

Wilson, S., P. Smith, E. Kenchington, M. Ballard, R. Buxton, K. Bobiwash, S. J. Marshall, E. Gilmore, É. Abergel, J. Allison, D. Arbuthnott, S. Avery-Gomm, N. C. Ban, K. F. Beazley, J. R. Bennett, E. Bennett, A. D. Binley, L. K. Blight, L. E. Bortolotti, D. Browne, E. K. Cameron, K. M. A. Chan, C. Chisholm, C. Chu, S. J. Cooke, F. Di Palma, D. Duplisea, C. Edge, B. Frei, L. W. Gomes, C. Hart, S. Hayne, M. Houde, A. L. Jacob, S. Javorek, H. Kharouba, D. R. Lapen, T. G. Martin, M. Mitchell, I. Naujokaitis-Lewis, E. A. Nyboer, M. O’Connor, A. Olive, S. Otto, B. Pickering, R. Pither, G. Pritchard, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, J. Rice, D. G. Roche, E. Rubidge, M. Ryckman, J. M. Saarela, K. D. Sadler, C. Shulman, I. Siboo, K. A. Solarik, F. Soulard, C. Sponarski, D. Stralberg, E. Ubalijoro, A. Ventimiglia, and C. D. Ziter. 2024. Science and knowledge needs to support Canada’s implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.  Report prepared for Environment and Climate Change Canada, 62 pp.  Available at:

Ecology of Freshwater Fish Cover Image

Kosziwka, K., S.J. Cooke, K.E. Smokorowski, F. Fischer, E.S. Dunlop, M. Rennie and T.C. Pratt.  2024.  The spatial extent of Walleye and Lake Sturgeon spawning migrations below a dam in the lower Black Sturgeon River, Lake Superior.  Ecology of Freshwater Fishes.  doi: 10.1111/eff.12792

Harper, M., T. Rytwinski, R. Irvine and S.J. Cooke.  2024.  What is the effectiveness of methods for eradicating or controlling abundance and biomass of invasive aquatic plants in Canada? A systematic review protocol.  Ecological Solutions and Evidence.  5(2), e12350.