
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke

Zolderdo, A.J., D.A. Algera, M.J. Lawrence, K.M. Gilmour, M.D. Fast, J. Thuswaldner, W. Willmore and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Stress, nutrition and parental care in a teleost fish: Exploring mechanisms with supplemental feeding and cortisol manipulation. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219: 1237-1248.

Nguyen, V.M.M. Young, S.G. Hinch and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Getting past the blame game: convergence and divergence in perceived threats to salmon resources among anglers and indigenous fishers in Canada’s lower Fraser River. AMBIO. 45:591-601.

Ward, T.D., D.A. Algera, A.J. Gallagher, E. Hawkins, A. Horodysky, C. Jørgensen, S.S. Killen, D.J. McKenzie, J.D. Metcalfe, M.A. Peck, M. Vu and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Understanding the Individual to Implement the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management. Conservation Physiology. 4(1):cow005.


Killen, S.S., B. Adriaenssens, S. Marras, G. Claireaux and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Context-dependency of trait repeatability and its relevance for management and conservation of fish populations. Conservation Physiology. 4(1):cow007.

Stevens, E.D., R. Arlinghaus, H. Browman, S.J. Cooke, I.G. Cowx, B.K. Diggles, B. Key, J.D. Rose, W. Sawynok, A. Schwab, A.B. Skiftesvik, C.A. Watson and C.D.L. Wynne. 2016. Stress is not pain. Comment on Elwood and Adams (2015) Electric shock causes physiological stress responses in shore crabs, consistent with prediction of pain. Biology Letters. 12:1006.

Marriner, B.A., A.B.M. Baki, D.Z. Zhu, S.J. Cooke and C. Katopodis. 2016.  The hydraulics of a vertical slot fishway: a case study on the multi-species Vianney-Legendre fishway in Quebec, Canada.  Ecological Engineering.  90:190-202

Cooke, S.J. 2016. Spinning our wheels and deepening the divide: Call for an evidence-based approach to the fish pain debate.  Animal Sentience. 3(42).

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Cooke, S.J., A.H. Arthington, S.A. Bonar, S.D. Bower, D.B. Bunnell, R.E.M. Entsua-Mensah, S. Funge-Smith, J.D. Koehn, N.P. Lester, K. Lorenzen, S. Nam, R.G. Randall, P. Venturelli and I.G. Cowx.  2016.  Assessment of inland fisheries: A vision for the future.   Pages 45-62 in C. Goddard, N. Leonard, W.W. Taylor and D. Bartley, Eds.  Freshwater, Fish, and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference.  American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.

Cooke, S.J. 2016. Unraveling the mystery of marine fish migration. Book review of Secor’s “Ecology of Marine Fish Migration”. Ecology. 97:1086–1087.

environmental biology of fishes cover image

Hatry, C., J.D. Thiem, D. Hatin, P. Dumont, K.E. Smokorowski and S.J. Cooke. 2016. Fishway approach behaviour and passage of three redhorse species (Moxostoma anisurum, M. carinatum, and M. macrolepidotum) in the Richelieu River, Quebec. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 99:249-263.