
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke

O’Connor, C.M., and S.J. Cooke.  2015.  Ecological carryover effects complicate conservation.  Ambio.  44:582-591.

Raby, G.D., S.G. Hinch, D.A. Patterson, J.A. Hills, L.A. Thompson, and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Mechanisms to explain purse seine bycatch mortality of coho salmon. Ecological Applications. 25: 1757-1775.

Shiffman, D.S., A.J. Gallagher, J. Wester, C.C. Macdonald, A.D. Thaler, S.J. Cooke, and N. Hammerschlag. 2015. A letter of clarification from the authors of “trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction”. Marine Policy 53: 213-214.

Endangered Species Research Cover Image

Brownscombe, J.W., A.D.M. Wilson, E. Samson, L. Nowell, S.J. Cooke and A.J. Danylchuk. 2015. Individual differences in activity and habitat selection of juvenile queen conch evaluated using acceleration biologgers. Endangered Species Research. 27:181-188.

Cooke, S.J., and J.C. Vermaire.  2015.  Environmental studies and environmental science today: inevitable mission creep and integration in action-oriented transdisciplinary areas of inquiry, training and practice.  Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.  5:70-78.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Lennox, R. J., I. Uglem, S.J.  Cooke, T. Næsje, F.G Whoriskey, T.B. Havn, E.M. Ulvan, Ø. Solem and E.B. Thorstad. 2015. Does catch-and-release angling alter the behavior and fate of adult Altantic Salmon during upriver migration? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 144(2):400-409.

Fisheries Cover Image

Cook, K.V., R.J. Lennox, S.G. Hinch, and S.J. Cooke.  2015.  Fish out of water: How much air is too much?  Fisheries.  40:452-461.


Gallagher, A.J., N. Hammerschlag, S.J. Cooke, D.P. Costa and D.J. Irschick. 2015. Evolutionary theory as a tool for predicting extinction risk. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 30:61-65.

Fisheries Research Cover Image

Lennox, R. J., K. Whoriskey, G. T. Crossin and S. J. Cooke. 2015. Influence of angler hook-set behaviour relative to hook type on capture success and incidences of deep hooking and injury in a teleost fish. Fisheries Research 164:201-205.

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Hayden, T.A., C.M. Holbrook, D. Fielder, C.S. Vandergoot, R.A. Bergstedt, J.M. Dettmers, C.C. Krueger and S.J. Cooke. 2014. Acoustic telemetry reveals large-scale migration patterns for walleye in Lake Huron. PLoS One. 9(12):e114833.