Cooke, S.J., N.W.R. Lapointe, E.G. Martins, J.D. Thiem, G.D. Raby, M.K. Taylor, T.D. Beard Jr. and I.G. Cowx. 2013. Failure to engage the public in issues related to inland fishes and fisheries: strategies for building public and political will to promote meaningful conservation. Journal of Fish Biology. 83:997-1018.
All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Hatry, C., J.D. Thiem, T.R. Binder, D. Hatin, P. Dumont, K.M. Stamplecoskie, J.M. Molina, K.E. Smokorowski and S.J. Cooke. 2014. Comparative physiology and relative swimming performance of three redhorse (Moxostoma spp.) species: associations with fishway passage success. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 87:148-159.
Harrison, P.M., L.F.G. Gutowsky, E.G. Martins, D.A. Patterson, A. Leake, S.J. Cooke and M. Power. 2013. Diel vertical migration of adult burbot: A dynamic trade-off between feeding opportunity, predation avoidance, and bioenergetic gain. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 70:1765-1774.
Young, N., I. Gingras, V.M. Nguyen, S.J. Cooke, and S.G. Hinch. 2013. Mobilizing new science into management practice: the challenge of biotelemetry for fisheries management, a case study of Canada’s Fraser River. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy. 16:331-351.
Read AbstractGutowsky, L.F.G, P.M. Harrison, E.G. Martins, A. Leake, D.A. Patterson, M. Power and S.J. Cooke. 2013. Diel vertical migration hypotheses explain size-dependent behaviour in a freshwater piscivore. Animal Behaviour. 86:365-373.
Read AbstractCooke, S.J., V.M. Nguyen, K.J. Murchie, J.D. Thiem, M.R. Donaldson, S.G. Hinch, R.S. Brown and A. Fisk. 2013. To tag or not to tag: animal welfare, conservation and stakeholder considerations in fish tracking studies that use electronic tags. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy. 16:352-374.
Read AbstractVanderZwaag, D.L., R. Apostle and S.J. Cooke. 2013. Tracking and protecting marine species at risk: scientific advances, sea of governance challenges. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy. 16:105-111.
Read AbstractBeardsall, J.W., M.F. McLean, S.J. Cooke, B.W. Wilson, M. J. Dadswell and M.J.W. Stokesbury. 2013. Consequences of incidental otter trawl capture on survival and physiological status of threatened Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 142:1202-1214.
Read AbstractTaylor, M.K., C.T. Hasler, C.S. Findlay, B. Lewis, D.C. Schmidt, S.G. Hinch and S.J. Cooke. 2014. Hydrologic correlates of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) swimming activity in a hydropeaking river. River Research and Applications. 30:756-765.
Read AbstractNitychoruk, J.M., L.F.G. Gutowsky, P.M. Harrison, T.J. Hossie, M. Power and S.J. Cooke. 2013. Sexual and seasonal dimorphism in adult adfluvial bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 91:480-488.
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