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On Saturday, June 6th, Cooke lab students Taylor Ward, Jacqueline Chapman, Jessica Taylor, Melissa Dick, Tyler Peat and Jake Brownscombe had the awesome opportunity to act as local fish experts during a “BioBlitz” – a 24-hour period where experts in species identification convene at a given ecologically important area in order to conduct surveys.

This blitz was held at the Keddy Nature Sanctuary, a richly diverse parcel of land located within the Scotch Corners Provincially Significant Wetlands Complex in eastern Ontario.  Well-known ecologists Paul and Cathy Keddy have owned and maintained this beautiful 530 acre property for over 40 years. Alongside experts in bird, insect and reptile identification, our group set out into the woods with seine net and backpack electrofisher in tow. The goal was to sample wetlands and creeks on the property to inform the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Conservancy of resident species. Highlights included plenty of cyprinids in spawning form, including the beautiful Northern Redbelly Dace (Chrosomus eos) and Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) loaded with nuptial  tubercles.

It was an honour to get to take part in such an amazing event and chat with experts in such diverse fields throughout the day!

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