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Dr. Cooke interviewed by the National Post about Toronto Harbour fish telemetry project (see article – Feb 2013)… Read More

Alexandra Muhametsafina (Undergrad Student) wins the Ontario BASS Nation Best Poster Award at the AFS Ontario Chapter meeting (Feb 2013)… Read More

Dr. Eduardo Martins visits OTN researchers at Dalhousie to collaborate on animal movement analyses for NSERC HydroNet (Feb 2013)… Read More

Our turtle bycatch research team (Lauren Stoot, Nich Cairns, Dr. Jon Midwood, and Dr. Gabriel Blouin-Demers) completes OMNR SAR project on population viability analysis of turtles in Lake Opinicon relative to bycatch (Feb 2013)… Read More

Jason Thiem (PhD candidate) visits fishway laboratories in Australia as part of NSERC HydroNet SNEI project (Feb 2013)… Read More

Dr. Cooke and Dr. Mike Stokesbury (Acadia U) present seminar on best practices for Bluefin tuna catch-and-release for the Nova Scotia Tuna Charter Association in Antigonish (Jan 2013)… Read More