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Cooke Lab and collaborator Dr. Gabriel Blouin-Demers (U Ottawa) awarded $16,700 by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources for research on turtle bycatch in eastern Ontario (Oct 2012)… Read More

Dr. Cooke serves as an external Ph.D. examiner at the Danish Technical University AQUA group in Silkeborg, Denmark for Mr. (now Dr.) Henrik Baktoft. A huge thanks to wonderful Danish friends and colleagues (Aug 2012)… Read More

Graham Raby, Keith Stamplecoskie, Lisa Thompson (DFO – Cooke Lab Alum), and Jayme Davidson (DFO) work aboard a commercial seine boat in BC to study endangered coho bycatch (Aug 2012)… Read More

Cooke Lab members Jason Thiem, Bill Bowden, Lee Gutowsky, Phil Harrison, Jake Brownscombe, Dr. Nick Lapointe, Dr. Todd Hayden, and Dr. Steven Cooke attend the AFS Annual Meeting in St. Paul, MN and deliver presentations – also bumped into lots … Read More

Dr. Cooke in his role as President of the Canadian Aquatic Resources Section of AFS presides over the annual business meeting in St. Paul at the Great Rivers Brewing Company (Aug 2012)… Read More

Lee Gutowsky receives the Larkin Award for excellence in Ph.D. fisheries science in Canada (Aug 2012)… Read More