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FECPL members present at GLATOS meeting in Ann Arbor, MI

Last week Maxime Veilleux, Tyler Peat, Andrew Rous, Vivian Nguyen, and Steve Cooke attended the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (GLATOS) meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The meeting focused on the application of acoustic telemetry tools to inform management and restoration in the Great Lakes. Andrew Rous delivered a summary of his MSc work at the University of Guelph under the supervision of Rob McLaughlin, looking at the space use of invasive sea lamprey in the St. Marys River to improve trapping efficiency. Tyler Peat presented his thesis work on the thermal biology of walleye in Lake Erie and Lake Huron. Maxime Veilleux talked about the habitat selection and residency of 6 fish species in a restored/enhanced slip versus three non-enhanced slips in the Toronto Harbour. Finally, Steve Cooke used a case study on coho salmon mortality estimates to consider the challenges of mobilizing telemetry data into management action.

Max presentation GLATOS

Veilleux presenting at GLATOS.