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Alex Nagrodski successfully defends his M.Sc. thesis! (Jan 2012)… Read More

Dr. Nick Lapointe delivers departmental seminar in biology on fish invasions in the Atlantic drainage basin (Jan 2012)… Read More

Dr. Cooke and Dr. Blouin-Demers (U Ottawa) awarded $18,250 from OMNR Species at Risk Research Fund for Ontario to study turtle bycatch (Jan 2012)… Read More

Dr. Cooke delivers an invited talk at the University of Washington in Seattle as part of the Bevan Series on Sustainable Fisheries (Jan

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The Cooke Lab welcomes five new graduate students on January 3rd 2012 – Shireen Maarschalk (B.Sc. at McMaster), Felicia St. Louis (B.Sc. at Carleton), Jacqueline Chapman (B.Sc. at Manitoba), Asra Toobaie (M.Sc. at Concordia), and Jake Brownscombe (M.Sc. at Trent). … Read More

Dr. Cooke visits the Florida Marine Research Institute in St. Petersburg (Jan 2012)… Read More