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Vivian Nguyen delivers a 45-min talk on her M.Sc. research to Totem Fly Fishers Club in Vancouver (Sept 2011)… Read More

Cooke Lab members Dr. Eduardo Martins, Samantha Wilson, Graham Raby, Alex Nagrodski, Mark Taylor, Sarah Larocque, Vivian

Nguyen and Lee Gutowsky deliver oral presentations at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA (Sept 2011)… Read More

Cooke Lab collaborator, friend and mentor Dr. Scott Hinch receives the American Fisheries Society Educator of the Year Award in Seattle (Sept 2011)… Read More

Jason Thiem and Charles Hatry attended the National Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage at UMass, Amherst.  The conference was highlighted by a field trip to the S.O. Conte anadromous fish laboratory (June 2011)… Read More

Dr. Cooke delivers an invited presentation on physiological aspects of bycatch reduction at the Society for Experimental Biology in the Conservation Physiology session in Glasgow, Scotland (July 2011)… Read More